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Jupiter March 30th QHY5L-ll 1st light

Space Cowboy

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Tried out the QHY on Jupiter for the first time tonight. Seeing was quite reasonable with elevation starting in the 40s and finishing mid 30s. Image scale is much larger than the DFK almost 1.5x I would say which means the 5x powermate is OTT. 3 images below 1st QHY with 3x Tal and lum filter. 2nd using IR 742 and 3rd DFK & 5x powermate.

QHY 3x Tal Lum filter :


QHY 3x Tal IR 742 :


DFK 5x Powermate :


The DFK shot was taken at a slightly higher alt.

Many thanks to Neil for the Lum and IR filters !

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Excellent results for Jupiter with both cameras and nice transit - the IR-PASS definitely helping with the QHY and Tal 3x barlow. The DFK shot is excellent, though the detail while excellent seems a little software and less contrast with the 5x power mate - I would think you could push the QHY a little higher with some extension on the 3x. How did the frame rates compare?

Sadly unless I can drug the kids and get them to bed early, Jupiter is a lost target by the time I get out to observe as I have a very limited northern horizon - probably going to have to wait until next year for a proper go at this :(

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Lovely images you have there with some nice detail showing too. I generally use a 3X Barlow using another Barlow with the lens removed as an extension tube with my 200P as I have a 4X Imagemate & all but one image have turned out pretty poor. Which scope did you use to take these?

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Thanks for your comments guys! The output of EZ Planetary is rather confusing. The 3x Tal images with Lum filter I was capturing at around 100fps but EZ has split the avis into 2 parts. Seems it wont go above 1.75gb in a single avi. It also outputs the avi at 15fps so it shows the video length as over 10 mins for a 10,000 + frame capture. All very confusing. Next time I will try firecapture though I doubt the netbook may crash as its very system hungry.

I'm a bit gutted the image scale is so much larger making my 5x powermate unusable. Below is an image taken with the powermate. I've downsized it to 75% scale which makes it the same size as the DFK shot. This means the QHY+ 5x Powermate is producing roughly f40 scale! Despite being able to push the cam body part way inside the powermate tube the scale is still massive.

I've never considered the 3x TAL images as good, they tend to show coarser detail.

Light sensitivity on the QHY is way more than the DFK and even the IR shots were at a faster shutter speed than the DFK. Obviously being a mono you would expect this.

QHY+ 5x Powermate 75% scale : All images capture with the Auto Dob :


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I'm glad the weather cleared so that you could give the camera an outing. Nice images, though I have given up on Jupiter myself.

I found the smaller pixels of my ASI120MM to be a real pain as all my barlows were tailored towards the more standard 5.6um pixels.

By the way, you could join your AVIs with PIPP and also correct the fps value!



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I agree that EZP is a little confusing & I've no idea why the files won't go over 1.75GB, I did manage to put the videos together using PIPP but sometimes they would stack other times they wouldn't. I just limit the frames to around 1200 now & it does seem to work ok. I never thought about stitching the videos together using Virtual dub so I might give that a go next time.

As for AVI timescale I think you can change it in the capture settings from frames to timescale in the capture/record settings as I used to originally set it for 2 minutes per video capture.

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Ahh right thanks Tich I will check that out. When you append avi segment in vdub make sure you select "direct stream copy" under "Video" else vdub will affect the video output.

Here is the DFK shot in colour......now which looks the best? lol Talking of using an extension with the 3x Tal I would imagine a filter wheel would fit that purpose rather well.


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That colour image is very nice & natural looking, & I guess the filter wheel would come into its own as an extension too so sounds like a good plan.

Look forward to seeing some more :grin:

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