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Almost an hour of 1 minute ISO800 shots, Nikon D50, Tal 200K, EQ6 guided (on a star, not the comet). Stacked in Registax and Tif to jpg-ed in Photoshop.

Its sure getting big! There appears to be a green inner halo bit to me, I'll have a play with that and see what it is. This is the jpg stack so far, the raws take a lot of decoding to make them stackable, so if the green bit comes out I'll let you know.

Kaptain klevtsov

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Another nice pic KK - I'm intrigued to see how its becoming asymmetrical.

Just wondering why the background stars are trailing if its guided? Is the comet moving differently relatively to them, so aligning subs on it causes them to move? I'm fairly new to this, so am curious how these things work! :?


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A very nice capture KK - it sure is big!

Just wondering why the background stars are trailing if its guided? Is the comet moving differently relatively to them, so aligning subs on it causes them to move? I'm fairly new to this, so am curious how these things work! Confused

You have nicely answered your own question - as the comet is traversing the sky at a different rate to the stars, aligning on the comet and stacking the images will result the star images trailing. Likewise, aligning on one of the stars would keep the background stars sharp but blur the moving comet.

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