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first scope ordered!

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Hi folks. Think it's time to post something seeing as though I've been on this forum near enough every day for the last couple of months picking up tips. I've taken the plunge and ordered my first scope. A skywatcher skyliner 200p (dob). From flo (I hear they're quite good). My first intentions will be to get used to it in the garden even though the lp is terrible here (hyde, manchester). But once I've got the hang of the scope I'll venture out to darker places. I know of meets at heaton park, todmorden and really look forward to see trip up to castleton in the peak district (only 40mins away so can't complain). Anyway, thanks to everyone who's posts I've read and taken note of. Clear skies everyone

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Your garden will give great views of the planets and moon from your garden so dont believe there is nothing you can use it for at home.

Also things at or near zenith usually view reasonably well under LP, particularily open clusters and globular clusters. Galaxies may be a struggle, and nebulas depending on how bad your LP is. I view from the centre of a town (not a city like Manchester) and I can see down to about mag10 on galaxies without filters.

Also a height adjustable chair is a much, in my opinion. There are a number of options available from ironing stools (wont work so well on grass but fine on patio) to dedicated observing stools. Dobs work quite close to the ground compared to scopes on a tripod so you'll need to be seated or very short to use them.

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Hi Colesmat, welcome to the astronomical fraternity, that's a great scope you have ordered there which will give you a lifetime of pleasure. Well done on such a great choice, do let us know how you get on!

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Cheers for the warm welcomes. It arrived yesterday and....... what a beast! I'm well impressed n I've not even managed to look upwards with it yet! Its really well built and can't believe how quick it got here. I now know why flo get such good reviews. Stargazing00, I know what you mean about a chair, think about barstool might be my best bet (wonder if my local would notice if one went missing) as for backyard observing, sadly Is really poor here. Cant see much of the sky without being in the direct glare from BOTH types of street lighting (orange and erm... not orange!). Looks like i won't get a chance to use it till next weekend anyway now but I'll have a little play with it today and hopefully my cheshire coll and lp might arrive. Will keep you posted. Matt.

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