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Unbelievable !!!


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Based in Wirral NW England. Blue skies, glorious day so I set up the Orion Optics ODK 10 and Losmandy G11 for first light after an appalling few months of weather. Forecast is for clear skies here tonight so after an hour of setting everything up I go in for a nice cup of tea. I have just looked out the window and thick fog has settled down over the last twenty minutes. Unbelievable!

One day.....Mike

Same here couldn't believe it, set up early lovely clear promising sky. Went out a 7ish full of expectation couldn't see a thing not the fist time :mad:

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Same here.

I've had my scope for about 3 weeks now and have managed to use it for about 2 hours tops. I thought my luck was in last night but the cloud rolled in just before I was about to go outside.

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All the more reason for using binoculars, in February I was able to observe using binoculars on 7 nights and this is light polluted Nottingham.

Do hope the skies clear for everyone but using binoculars is the way forward.



I have just bought a small scope at 80mm F5 and the reason for this, grab and go bins are too much £ for me. Being a specs wearer, the ones that would work for me are very expensive to be worthwhile. So a cheaper, minimal cool down, quick set up scope is my way of grabbing those quick half hour sessions when time permits.

Each to thier own of course but the way i just described can have me viewing in about 5 minutes. (this includes the multiple cloth layers needed, fast mover I am, hehe :grin: )

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