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Lunar Feb 18th @f26

Space Cowboy

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Excellent again. I assume gain was good on this then, it certainly looks smooth as a babys butt. So much so i reckon you could go for a tad more sharpening on this, before the games up. the rill clearly seen running along nicely there. will be interested to see what you got from tonight. becuse it looked damm stable here. I never did find my victim on the way to the docs. look foward to seeing more that you got. personally. i would give avi stack a go. No it wont be as big and smooth. but it will likely show smaller finer craters on the floor i think. Though to be honest i would like to see this process sharpend a touch more against a vi stack version at same scale. It might surprise me if As/2 drizzle wins. but nothing surprises me anymore. I agree it could. which would certainly raise a few eyebrows on the lunar imager scene if that turned out to be true. I doubt it. but am willing to think maybe ? BTW i found avi stack 1 easier to learn. rather than 2. the manuals should help.

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Not sure if you agree but a touch more seems possible i think. I also raised the histo a touch. The black areas suffer a bit though they always do i find. And i only raised sharpening a tiny bit. some may prefer it softer, the second was a attempt to darken the black areas a touch for best of both worlds. but too much blacks make it too dark. so only partly worked ??


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Thanks Mr. Wolfman ;-)

I threw that shot on here straight from wavelets and a quick crop. Wish now I'd done a longer avi on that one but I wanted to cover as much surface as possible for a mosaic. I've got a ton of stuff to process which is without doubt my best lunar work to date. First time for about 2 yrs I've done proper sessions on the moon.

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Very nice Stuart, I'm looking forward to seeing your mosaic. I also ventured on to the Moon for the first time with the dfk over the last couple of nights... Its a whole new learning curve. :)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

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Cheers Steve!

Ok, here are a couple of mosaics though these are very much work in progress. Couple of issues, on one image there is a mismatch with brightness on one pane and the other mosaic has a misaligned pane so my have to stack these images again as the capture settings were identical for all panes.


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Thanks Alan & James!

Man that would be some work doing the whole moon lol I lost my bearings completely and just ran off in a long trail. I've overlapped too much on most of these being too conservative during capture and this has caused good detail to be softened so will try and be more severe with the cropping. Used "expand" in AS!2 rather than "crop" as the crop option seemed too severe.

I batch stacked most of the panes and something went ary with a couple producing brighter panes so will re-do those.

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Before packing up I took out the 5x powermate in an attempt to cover the whole moon at f5 but my netbook crashed with a blue screen so here is a partial mosaic consisting of 3 panes :


you did well to use a 5x powermate i would have thought at that mag it would be a lot mor detailed
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That's great Stuart, its really good to see what the dfk can do on the Moon. As said earlier in the thread I've had a go imaging the Moon but I'm finding its really easy to over expose details, what exposure and gain are you using?

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Tapatalk 2

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Cheers Steve.

I set exposure at 1/30 sec and gain was over 70%. On the 1/60 sec images I did on the 17th the gain was over 80%. I judged the brightness by eye on screen trying to replicate the level you would get observing through an eyepiece.

My main aim is to avoid burning out the crater rims and mountain peaks as that is so easy to do if you over sharpen lunar images which I see quite a lot on the forums.

Here is a repro with better alignment on one of the panes from the other mosaic shown above. I sharpened this a little more using the local contrast tool in image analyser though am not convinced it looks as good at full size but SGL has down sized these somewhat.


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Thanks for the further info Stuart, it's really helpful... I really like the last image with the better alignment - Archimedes is one of my favorite caters and you've captured it nicely and also the Central Rille is clearly visible in the Alpine Valley!! :smiley:

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