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Well that's caught me out


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Forecast this evening was for cloud early on and then fog, but I just went outside having finish dinner and the sky is clear, so I've quickly put the Mak out and hopefully I'll be able to get at least a shot of the Moon and then see what else is on the cards for this evening.


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I know - clear skies for a bit at least - managed to take some (much improved) pictures. Unfortunately two things have happened - my camera battery died (couldn't find the charger for about a week!) and I can't find the CF card reader :(.

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Nice surprise . . . :laugh:

Opposite here I'm afraid , clear an hour ago and a thin hazy veil now . . . :mad:

Same here in Norwich, but the haze is quite thin, just had first light on my new 10x50's thou :bino2: .........seen the moons of Jupiter, Pleiades, Orion Nebula and Crescent Moon, Very nice. :biggrin:

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Forecast here was for 24 hour clear sky. That is not what we have! oh well, just looked at forecast and now it says cloud till midnight, then clear until midday so will set the alarm for 3 and see whats happening :)

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Well, BBC (big band of cloud) has stopped play now, so I'm just finishing off some darks that I forgot to do two weeks ago and I'll be bringing everything in. Can't complain though, especially as there are hints at "some" clear sky for the next three nights. Perhaps enough to get a sequence of Moon shots even if there's insufficient for some decent eyepiece time...


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It's just thick enough here to be annoying . . . neither one thing nor the other really. . .

Still it's let me lounge around and cross the 2000 post mark unnoticed . . . :p

I'm not far away from you, Steve....finger's crossed for tomorrow evening, though. I got set up for first light of the EQ6 pro...All done and just aligning and then.....you know what....
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Hi there, Steve.

This is the first step towards trying to get the imaging remotely so that I can sit in the conservatory after I've aligned and set up. The NEQ is fantastic! I wish I'd got one years ago.

Good luck for us all, this evening! (Sunday)

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