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Anyone use Sony NEX5 for imaging?

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i used to have a nex-5 (had one too many sonys lol) swapped my 390 for one huge mistake photography wise (not astro) back with a 290 now only real difference between 3 and 290 is live view..

not sure how the nex would react as far as i'm aware they are not true dslr cameras due to the sensor being different, and if i remember the nex 5 wasnt the best in low light conditions..

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I tried using my Canon 500D but I cant balance my scope its so heavy! the nex5 is much lighter and so now I can get balance.

Another advantage is the flip screen! saves crouching on the lawn to see the pic.

one disadvantage is it has no live view zoom! the canon has x5 and x10 which is great for setting the focus!

Image quality wise it seems ok. Haven't done any deep sky stuff yet though.


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Hi Forum . im using nex5 but lack of I/O port and only infra red leaves u with limited options but u can get Astrus ir remote shutter and give it a go http://astrus.bymac.org/. (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151239086227420.484924.664847419&type=1&l=6a409db80b my attempts at astrophotography so far moon,orion wide field and andromeda are nex 5 rest is qhyimg132)

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I have the nex 5n and im very happy with it. So far Ive only done a few wide field shots and a few jupiter shots and they've turned out pretty good, i'll try and get some posted later on. I think the only real downside that ive found so far with this camera is its lack of tethering, apart from that its a decent little camera

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As far as the NEX5 goes for me its biggest plus is its low weight, the Canon 500d was so heavy it was beginning to strain the joint between the visual back and all the gubbins I have attached, so much so that the whole thing was not staying in line! (its the original visual back with the two thumb screws- not designed for all this extra weight.)

The biggest negative is the lack of tethering, but I think the later models have some sort of feature you can send the live view to a phone or ipad....

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I tried using my Canon 500D but I cant balance my scope its so heavy! the nex5 is much lighter and so now I can get balance.

Another advantage is the flip screen! saves crouching on the lawn to see the pic.

one disadvantage is it has no live view zoom! the canon has x5 and x10 which is great for setting the focus!

Image quality wise it seems ok. Haven't done any deep sky stuff yet though.


Probably need another piece of counter weight??

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My setup is a celestron c8 sgt on a cg5 gt mount, the only problem i found for planetary pictures is the image is very small, even with a 2x barlow fitted its not much improvement, it makes for very fiddly work trying to focus. As for the tethering, the only way i found to do it is using a wifi sd card but then you are limited to only viewing and not being able to control the camera, although you could use a intervalomerer rigged up to a ir shutter remote do that, theres a few guides out there on how to make one. I also found that you can connect the nex to a monitor via the hdmi port and use the monitor as your live view screen, ive not tried it myself but its worth a try, it would probably help with focusing

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