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Looking for a smaller scope for AP

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I'm looking for a smaller size scope for AP

Currently I own a celestron 10", 1200mm focal lenght on a HEQ5 mount.

The scope itself is of excellent quality, but it's a pain getting in on the mount alone with me having some back problems.

I'm going to keep it for observing purposes though.

That said,

Mainly take pictures with my lenses from my DSLR (250mm focal length max.) and get some, in my opinion, good results being a newbie at this :D

I was wondering, what a good compact telescope would be, one I can easily attach on the HEQ5? Saw some small telescopes from Vixen (VMC110L) and Skywatcher MAK 102/1300mm.

Would these be any good for AP? Looking from the point that it's an upgrade from my DSLR lens.

Got about 250€ budget.

Any other suggestions are welcome too!

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I'm no astrophotographer, but the general recommendation is a small APO refractor - you might consider the INED 70 from Telescope service, also available from 365 Astronomy and others in the UK.

The ED80 seems to be the usual instrument of choice - I'm sure others will recommend this, but somewhat more expensive.

The Vixen and the Skywatcher 102 Mak are probably too slow for DSO photography.



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As you can see i own the INED70 and its a lovely scope, only problem comes if you want to image using your dslr. I use a Canon 1100D and the only way i could get a totally flat and perfect field was using the TeleVue TRF2008 flattener/reducer, and that still required alot of trial and error with spacers etc. That said, i now have a scope imaging at F4.9 and 336FL which is fab! :-D

PS: TRF 2008 alone costs £250

This is a link to one of my images with the INED70, please note that this shows less than half of my available FOV.


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The Mak would be good for planetary with a webcam, long focal length and slow focal ratio.

For deepsky, fast focal ratio is best (eg. f4, f5 like your lenses). The focal length determines the field of view, same as the camera lens. You can pretty much forget about aperture. I found the HEQ5 pro mount to easily handle the Skywatcher 150pds with an ST80 for auto guiding, plus you can carry the whole lot short distances, or seperate it in two. The 750mm FL of the 150pds allows for a nice FOV and relatively easy tracking and guiding and it's f5 so not slow. It also allows DSLRs to focus and with the Baader MPCC, the whole field is nice and flat, sharp stars to the edges.

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Thanks all for the replies!

Looked around a bit and I think I'll take the SW ED80 PRO and I'm gonna order it soon,it's about the max I want to pay for a scope right now + it's compact. Checked out some results with the ED80 and they looked amazing :)

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