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A quick look


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Managed to get out for a short while, darn cold!

Though only a short session, got some pretty good views of Jupiter scope used is the trusty TAL100RS on AZ4, and got first light with my new 5mm circle T ortho, im pleasantly surprised at how usable this high power ortho is, i figured it would be like trying to peer down a biro refill tube, but not so :cool:

Then onto Orion, first stop M42 with main emphasize on the Trapezium, four main components clearly visible, and with the 5mm at a straight x200 magnification, just a hint at the E star, having a look at a chart, the E star is where i thought i could see it, next stop Beetleguiese, its still there, but i have to say it seems different to when i last looked, just maybe its getting ready for the final chapter in its long history.

Now its time to swing the scope round to Rigel, having never bothered with this star before, due to not being aware of it being a double, best view of this new to me character was with the 15mm BST, nice.

Got a glimpse of NGC 2232 open cluster, had to look it up to find its number, after all these years i still struggle to name objects

Last stop is M45, out with the 1.25 adaptor, in with 2" diagonal and revelation 42mm 2", beautiful sight fitting the whole cluster in the field of view, with pinpoint sharp stars across the entire field, no real sign of nebulosity but to be expected at such very low power (x23)

Although only a short session, due to nasty cloud returning, very enjoyable, with 2 new items in the bag (Rigel and NGC 2232) every time i use the Tal, i am reminded just what a fine instrument it is

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Nice one Jules. Its funny - never knew Rigel was a double until late last year then struggled to see it for ages. Now I can see it easily - guess thats "getting my eye in". Will look for that open cluster myself in a bit - cloud permitting. These quick sessions do just about make all the waiting bearable though :). Def gonna check some more of the orthos though - need a 10mm ish one I think. Your 5mm come from Lyra?

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Nice report Jules :smiley:

Good to see the stars again isn't it !

I've been 1st-lighting my 12" OO dob tonight and having great fun. The Baader Classic Orthos have been doing very well in it - the 18mm is a gem for deep sky objects :grin:

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Nice report Jules :smiley:

Good to see the stars again isn't it !

I've been 1st-lighting my 12" OO dob tonight and having great fun. The Baader Classic Orthos have been doing very well in it - the 18mm is a gem for deep sky objects :grin:

Yes, we tend to think of ortho`s as purely for planetary work, but my 18mm BGO and more so my 25mm volcano top are very good for deep sky

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Great report, Jules and lovely to hear there was a break in the spell of bad weather. I think I prefer shorter sessions - or better said - less object sessions because it gives a chance for more intensive focus and concentration. My brain usually begins to melt after too many sights a bit like walking around a museum.

Last night we had great weather - the gale from the previous night just about blew every cloud into extinction - but my girlfriend really wanted to go out to see the film Lincoln, so by the time we arrived home it was gone 2am and for the sake of decency I didn't want to say, 'Right, thank you for a great evening. I'm heading out now and will see you tomorrow middayish.' Anyway, from the windows the Moon, Saturn at one end and Orion and Jupiter at the other looked absolutely spectacular.

I think the few Orthos I have are quickly becoming my favourite high-mag eyepieces and it is interesting to hear about the 18mm Ortho. It is not the first time I've heard it is an excellent deep space EP.

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