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Galaxy M87 Truncated Dark Rift Photos-Opinions


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A few photos I took of M87 from last Summer. Opinions would be great. The Galaxy looks cut in half. Iv'e read about this dark zone but couldn't find any pics of it.

Is the possible Green companion galaxy in the background in-falling toward M87 causing the dark truncation?Or did it pass through already, stealing stars and leaving dust trail ?

Anyone have any pics of M87 with this 'dark zone'?

(Blue- X-ray, Purple- Gamma, Bright White spot next to the Torus- Black Hole area, Red Infra-red, Green-Hydrogen. Not positive on the color coding.)





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I thought I recognised the top right image:


Do you work there ?

The second image is from the Chandra page, the others are his own. There is some superficial similarity, but I would not say the images are the same, or indeed of the same object

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I managed to cobble together an xray telescope with an old unit from the hospital, a skywatcher 250p, four cardboard tubes and a roll of duct tape. I did not spot that m87 was chopped in half but it was clear to see my broken arm was well on the mend...........

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Thanks everyone for input. And no I don't work at Chandra that'd be nice though. These photos are from a project Iv'e been working on.

And yeah the images match up beautifully in overlays, when scaled to right size. I don't know but pretty sure X-ray is Blue, etc. in my photos.

Anyway if anyone's curious to take a closer look here's the video link

Interesting possible obscuring torus close-ups of what Chandra estimates to be the black hole area.


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I don't know but pretty sure X-ray is Blue, etc. in my photos.

Surely you must know which colours represent the different energy regimes, you have to decide in a "false colour" image. Also, out of curiosity, how do you overcome the atmosphere being opaque to x-ray and gamma rays in your detection methodology.


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