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Too much light blurring images - 6" Dob


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I have the skywatcher 150p...

I got a 10mm plossl lens that I like to use with it but sometimes there is just to much light and I feel this blurs out the image, especially when looking at Jupiter.

it does tips on most of my lenses.

Help would be great!

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Planets, and especially the Moon, can be very bright. There are a few of things you can try. Firstly just keep looking as your eyes will adapt to the brightness, second you may want to buy a neutral density filter (Moon filter) which are designed to dim the image without affecting colour. Thirdly you could cut a card mask for your scope, reducing the aparture to, say 100mm, and tape it over the end of your scope - thus making yourself a Skywatcher 100P :p .

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I would go for something like a baader neo dynimun filter as not only does it reduce the brightness it increases the clarity the sharpness (or I find it does) of the object I'm looking at

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk please ignore any spelling typo thingys

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Im having this same glaring problem with jupiter, which of the 2 filters linked here should i go for ?

does that £29 at flo let you control the brightness? will it clear up the image at all make it sharper ? will it maked teh bands stand out better?

apart from the moon, jupiter what other objects would this be useful for?


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Does the 150p not have a "Moon Cap" on the front scope cover? There should be two raised circles, one of which is removable (and then you put it on the other raised circle). You then observe withe the scope cover on and it reduces the brightness. I know the 130p has this.

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Does the 150p not have a "Moon Cap" on the front scope cover? There should be two raised circles, one of which is removable (and then you put it on the other raised circle). You then observe withe the scope cover on and it reduces the brightness. I know the 130p has this.

Hi my 200 p, does seem to have 2 caps on the front i had no idea what they were for until now thanks,

i will at least for now give that a try,, but would love to oneday invest in a filter that will improve the details :)

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