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Counterweight slipping?!

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The weights have little 'collar' inside them which has a hole for the screw to go through... Its possible that the collar has twisted and the screw tip is not making contact with the shaft fully?

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The rod should be dry. if its not the plastic sleeve then check (with the weight off the rod) that the bolt is actually long enough to reach into the bore of the weight. Alternativly is the bolt fully threaded all the way to the top (black knob end)? - if not it will go "tight" before it has screwed in far enough to grip. Another possibility - is the hole in the weight threaded all the way through? If not the bolt will go "tight" before it grips.

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Just realised - Does the bolt have a plastic end piece? If so this is there to prevent the bolt from raising a burr on the weight rod. If the surface of the rod were to become burred it may become difficult to slide the weights on and off the rod.

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That all looks pretty normal to me - thanks for the pics! The only thing I can think of is that you may simply not be doing the lock screw up tight enough? It does need to be pretty firmly done.

(I'm assuming the weight shaft is locked? There is a locking lever at the top of the first picture, if this is loose the whole shaft can move in and out of the mount.)

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