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A very busy sun


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Here's the full disk, there's no bits missing this time. I think I've been a little heavy handed on the wavelets on the last few so this time I've minimalist.


And now for some close ups. There's a lot of dust on one of them which is a bit odd as it was the same set up for both, must be the way I processed them.




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Wow! that prominence was massive! these are beautifully processed and presented :) I think the bits on the close ups look more like stacking artifacts. I would try running them through another program and see if you get an improvement. I always try Autostakkert 2, then Avistack 2, then Registax 5 if all else fails, usually one of them gives a clean result.


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The full disc is very impressive and that prom, huge, that is one great capture. I think you could probably boost the contrast a little bit and reduce the brightness to bring out the detail. I had a little play with your image, adjusting the brightness and contrast, shadow and highlight, saturation and hue and I have lifted the detail a little, I hope you don't mind?

I am guessing you went for one exposure to get the prom and surface detail in the same capture? If this is the case it looks like you had to over-expose on the surface to get the prom detail? A better method is take two captures one for the surface detail and then one for the proms, with higher exposures. Just cut or blank out the disc on the over-expossed proms capture and merge after stacking. I usually take around 2,000 frames for the surface detail and about 500 for the proms, that way it keeps the overall capture to a reasonable time limit. Anyway just a few suggestions, hope you don't mind?

It is nice that someone is seeing the sun in Ha, totally clouded out here for the last couple of days and I think NZ is a little too far for me to travel at the weekend.


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A really nice capture there, loads of nice detail coming through too.

I agree with Robin with taking two separate images for proms and the disk as it's what I also do when imaging the sun, I'm sure with a little more tweeking and maybe merging 2 different processes of a proms and then disk of this original image you can get even more out of it. It's a great image already but I'm sure you'd like to pull as much out of it as possible. (Hope you don't mind my opinion/advice)

Congrats and keep them coming :smiley:

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Oh lucky you. My forecast is for cloud tomorrow, but there might be gaps and we might see the sun. Good luck with your captures. I try to go for about 75% on the histogram for the surface and what looks right for the proms. Then stack and merge the two images afterwards.

I use Registax 5 mostly, although I have tried AS2! for the close ups. I seem to get mixed results with Registax 6, sometimes it works and other times gives me crazy paving/fractals.

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