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Messier Marathon. Possible in UK?


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Ive never managed it but for me the challenge has always been GoTo or Star hop, or old fashioned manual setting circles

Before GoTo was widely available the only option was either setting circles (which even then was considered "assisted") or good old visual/starhop which for me has always been where the real challenge lies.

Has anyone out there done the unassited Starhop MM in recent years and managed to get em all ?



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Back in 2004 , Peter Vasey and i attempted the Marathon from Hexham, North East England, It was possible to view 99 objects. we managed 97. A PDF file describing our attempt with descriptions of what we viewed at the eyepiece and times, is available on Sunderland Astronomical Facebook page. This was not a true Marathon as tradition , as we cheated and used a goto telescope, but the idea was to image the targets.

Paul J

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According to the calculator linked above, its not possible to see all of them even from Cornwall... M30 appears to be impossible...

Have I got the setting correct (Latitude = 49.96173, Longitude = -5.19696)?

In theory at 50 degrees north the horizon should be at 40 degrees south I think, so M30 at 23 degrees south isn't too bad. I can see it from here (51N) without too much difficulty. There are about half a dozen in Sagittarius or Scorpius between 30S and 35S which can be tricky though, especially the ones that are low magnitude or low surface brightness.


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We have planned a date of March 9th to attempt a marathon. Some will be doing it visually others will be aiming to image as many as possible. I know we won't get all 110, but certificates will be available for all who try.

If any SGL members wish to join us for the night you are more than welcome.


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