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Next best thing to a Televue

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They use a brass compression ring that's usually tightened by one screw. It much easier than having 2 screws and doesn't mark the barrels either.

Incidentally, I have the tube from my Barlow permanently attached to my scope with the Barlow lens removed as both the 2" and the 1.25" adaptor are compression.

Or an alternative description :grin: ; they are infuriating things, the work of the devil, with no industry standard so that the brass strips foul up in other makes of eyepiece and half snag when you take out an EP, causing it to slip from your fingers and hit the ground. Or get jammed completely. Even within one make (Takahashi into Takahashi) I've had them snag up and get completely stuck fast. The cutaways in different EPs are all in different places, different compression rings are in different places... and all this to stop a harmless mark on the barrel. I lament the day they were invented... and I lament the 35 Panoptic that hit the ground from the half metre Dob aimed (of course!!!) at the zenth...


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I wonder why we still use push fit eyepieces fastened with either a simple screw or screw / compression ring ?. Given the other sophisticated developments in scope design perhaps a bayonet type fixing like the old 35mm SLR lenses used would be an improvement and possibly more precise ?.

Of course it would, unlike the SLR manufacturers, have to be a common format for all scopes :rolleyes2:

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