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Finder scope


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Please help with my scope

There was a break in the clouds tonight so i've gone out to have a look at the moon

but when i put the moon in the finder scope and look its not in the scope

Have a done something wrong with set up of the scope

And should i be looking at the moon without a filter

Any help please

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It's just a waiting game at the moment dean,but it will come. Might be an idea to try and line up your finder scope with the main scope during daylight if you can view a distant pilon or church for example..be careful you don't get anywhere near the sun though.as for a moon filter,you don't have to have one but the moon is so bright when viewed through your scope it gives me a bit of a headache so the filter just dampens the glare a little but not everyone uses one. Fingers crossed well get a break in the clues next weekend,there'll be loads of us up the site willing to lend a hand (and get a sneaky peak through your new present)

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I've got it sorted now saw Jupiter last night for 5 mins until the clouds came back never mind oh

Hey Dean, five minutes is better than no minutes, glad you got it sorted.

Think good thoughts, and keep your fingers crossed we'll all have clear weather on the 5th.


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