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First time Orion Nebula

Fordos Moon

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What a thrill! Spent a couple hours trying to capture Jupiter with my 200p dobsonian and Xbox cam with poor results so went to look at the Orion Nebula with the stock 25mm and my new 8mm BST from Alan.....and what a beautiful sight she was!!

The four crisp stars in the centre surrounded by an arc of green radiance cloaked by a deep black sky. I was blown away and beginning to think I need to invest in some serious equipment to capture such majesty.

Night Sky I love you!!

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Night Sky I love you!!

:D I got a bit of that magic back on Sunday night too - really perks you up doesn't it?

Oh, but I sense the dark side starting to pull on you, you'll be a full on imager before we know it ;)

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When looking at the orion nebula with just a scope can you see the nebula and it's colors or do you use any filters?

Cheers stu

I don't use any filters (haven't got any! Hah) and I can see the shape, trapezium and shows as a green colour.

The brilliant images you see on here are from hours of long exposure, long editing hours and fine tuning to get that lovely picture!

The eye simply can't see that much detail in the dark. You can tease more detail out after looking for a good while.


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Thanks for getting back so quick, That's good to know i always thought you needed filters to see any of the nebula. I am just waiting for a part for my new scope and cloud permitting will go out and start on Orion Neb. By new scope has a 2" eyepiece holder and all my eyepieces are 1.25" so just waiting on the adapter to arrive will be next week now :sad:

But will be worth the wait :laugh:

Thanks again

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well done on grabbing that view

even in bins the O nebula is awesome - on good seeing I reckon its one of the few objects that look truly awesome at any magnification or FOV

the seeing was ace this morning too - just been looking at M3 (at about 0530 ish) - glorious pinpoint stars - like a pinch of diamond dust on blackest velvet

also worth a shufty if you happen to wake early :eek:

my intended target was saturn - but I found out that it does not clear the block of flats behind my house (by a gnats wisker) - gutted!!

next clear spell - I feel a dartmoor breakfast coming on :evil:


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