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Jupiter 23rd November through Astromaster 130 4x barlow


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I would guess processing with drizzling and then cropping

I use registax to drizzle the image (whatever that means?!!) which appears to increase the size, and I use Castrator to crop and centre the planet.

The big downside about stacking 2 2x barlows to get 4x is that focusing is tricky to say the least, and manually tracking is incredibly intensive as the planet moves so quickly across the screen!! However, it is possible to get half decent results from our little scope :-) I'm sure I can get some more detail....just need some more practice when the rain has gone.

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Whatever way you did it it still looks great! It's nice to see the results other people can get with the same scope as me :)

It's not a bad scope really, I never expected to be able to do anything like that when I bought it. It's great to be able to show people with similar scopes what is possible. I can't wait to get started on Saturn and am using Jupiter as a guinea pig to practice on. I'm not expecting great detail, but any detail I do get makes me a happy bunny.

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