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NGC6543 The Cat's Eye nebula

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I'll try for a close-up of that with the Tal and a Barlow, if the sky ever clears! Weeks now and nothing good to show for it.

Steve, with the current weather, getting anything is going to be more than tricky, it'd be a miracle. If the clouds clear the fog lands and the Tal likes dew like you wouldn't believe. The secondary is behind a lens and gets dewed up. No way to get the hairdryer on it as the lens is in the way.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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The whole obsy thing is starting to make sense now...

scenario #1

"HEY! LOOK! UNEXPECTED CLEAR SKY!"... OTA out to cool, warm clothing on, kit outside, set up tripod+OTA, cable up, cover everyting electrical from the dew, power up, align, wedge align, realign, start imaging even though the scope is still cooling... 45-50mins

"Oh [removed word]! CLOUDS!"... check the weather forecasts and sat pics, make a decision, power down, uncable and pack-up in the dark (trying to be quiet)... clouds clear as the last flight case goes inside.


scenario #2 -

"HEY! LOOK! UNEXPECTED CLEAR SKY!"... wanders out to Obsy, OTA already cooled, rolls off roof, powers on kit, starts imaging...10-15 mins

"Oh [removed word]! CLOUDS!"... rolls back roof, checks sat pics, decides whether to stay in the Obsy for an hour or two.

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2A Leave it all running except the camera isn't saving to disk with the lid on, then lid off again when the clouds go away. Clouds monitored using a webcam in a little dome looking up from outside the shed, so you're inside having a beer whilst watching the sky. You only have to remember to park and power down before going to bed.

Kaptain klevtsov

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The whole obsy thing is starting to make sense now...

scenario #1

"HEY! LOOK! UNEXPECTED CLEAR SKY!"... OTA out to cool, warm clothing on, kit outside, set up tripod+OTA, cable up, cover everyting electrical from the dew, power up, align, wedge align, realign, start imaging even though the scope is still cooling... 45-50mins

"Oh *beep*! CLOUDS!"... check the weather forecasts and sat pics, make a decision, power down, uncable and pack-up in the dark (trying to be quiet)... clouds clear as the last flight case goes inside.


scenario #2 -

"HEY! LOOK! UNEXPECTED CLEAR SKY!"... wanders out to Obsy, OTA already cooled, rolls off roof, powers on kit, starts imaging...10-15 mins

"Oh *beep*! CLOUDS!"... rolls back roof, checks sat pics, decides whether to stay in the Obsy for an hour or two.

Oh! Steve, I thought you would have sweethearted YNW whilst on that romantic holiday. A roll off roofed Ob. would transform your imaging into a stress free pleasure zone. That can only be good for both of you. Also, less money in the swear Box. :D


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want i want to do versus what i`ll be allowed to get away with doing are two different things.

One thing that concerns me is... how loud is a roll off roof? opening it in the evening is fine, but closing it at 4-5am would cause no end of disgruntled neighbours if it wakes them up

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I bought 4 75mm solid rubber tyred wheels off Ebay for £4. superb quality. You would not hear the roof move. The loudest noise would be unlocking it. Also, my biggest worry is the LX fast slewing, you know what that sounds like. Coffee grinder did I hear?. :D

Ron. :lol:

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A minor update on this one, again using the 200mm Newt. and Atik 16HR.

A frustrating session as the sky appeared to clear after 11PM, but then turned a light grey colour by 1AM when I packed it away. No stars visible in Ursa Major after midnight!

It turns out that an OIII filter really improves the signal to noise ratio, but blustery conditions make all the stars turn into lines. At least I think it was the wind. If I can get rid of the trailing the data ought to be so much better than it is


(click to enlarge)

This is four 5 minute exposures binned 2X, so a lot should have showed up, but it didn't.

Trying with a CLS filter instead brought out very little of the halo, so next time out its OIII and Ha only.

The reflection haloes round the brighter stars really detract from this image, as the halo looks like more of the same. The artefact halos are all the same size and quite round, due to the filter to chip distance and f/ ratio, so I'm happy to dismiss them as a source of the bigger halo.

The blue effect is from Noel's Actions OIII false colour BTW.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Clearish sky tonight, so back on the horse and off to get more photons from NGC6543.


(click to open in a new window)

The halo has come out now, but the stretching has not done the nearby galaxy any favours. This was 15 minutes binned 2X through an OIII filter and a stack of 14 of them. This is one faint fuzzy!

Again, SW 200mm Newt. Atik 16HR

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Looks to be hard KK , i tried it last night for a few mins , was,nt really sure of what to expect as getting an image on the C11 is pretty hard , so was,nt sure if i had it , but looking at your image , i must have had it on the chip lol thought it was a bright star only , Ok so u reckon O111 for this one , i had the CLS on but that showed nothing , maybe try tonight , but its still fairly low down at present .


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Managed to shoot some Ha data last night, so I combined the Ha and OIII and got this.


(click to enlarge)

It's not big and it's not clever, but its a very feeble little burger is that one.

As for the core, I suspect that the seeing in my neck of the woods would not allow me to resolve anything, but its next on the list for a try.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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