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I connect my EQ6 pro mount to my pc via a Hitec Astro EQDIR Adaptor.

I use Eqmod to polar align.

I use TheSky6 and Tpoint to star align.

I guide with a QHY5 and ST 80 guide scope using PHD software and the ST4 port of the EQ6.

After 30 minutes or more of imaging for some reason EQmod hangs. I can't get the mount back to the home position. I have to turn it off and then turn it back on again.

Has anyone had a similar problem?

It is a shame because everything else works fine.



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Thats happened to me a few times and always been a USB communication problem.

In my case my setup didn't like the QHY5 being on the same USB hub so I moved the QHY5 onto it's own USB hub alone and it's been fine ever since.

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This used to cause me no end of problems. I found the order I start things makes a difference and now have a set up which cause me no problems.

  1. Plug everything in (always to the same ports)
  2. Power up the mount
  3. Power up the PC
  4. Start PHD and connect to QHY5
  5. I use Cartes de Ciel (CDC) for aligning and controlling through EQMOD, so I now start this
  6. Connect scope to CDC

From this point on, keep everything up and running. I now have no problems and it works every time.

Some find a different start up sequence works for them, but this works for me.

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