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Back in business: NGC7000 The North America Nebula & IC5070 The Pelican Nebula (Hα)


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I've been plugging away at the new Observatory and setup for 5 months now, and it's finally coming together.

Changes to the imaging gear since last season:

  • Borg reducer now 0.7x from 0.85x. Now at F4.4
  • Moved from guidescope to OAG (Telescope Service, QHY5)
  • Baader RGB/NB sold, moved to one 5nm 36mm unmounted Astrodon Ha
  • EQ6 RA worm & ring gear upgraded to one from Aeroquest Machining (http://www.aeroquest-machining.com)
  • EQ6 RA belt drive mod

I still have a few issues to sort out, the OAG is too far in and causing a shadow on my images, top right on this picture. Also I lost about 15% of the outside of this after stacking due to a plate solve problem. I have a little chip on the corner of the OAG which (I think) is causing this weird effect on the guide stars, although they still guide not bad and they focus fine using a mask


I'm quite chuffed with this image considering the conditions last night. There was loads of high cloud (shown by the bumpy red line between the two spikes here) that was lit up by the full moon. I had a test image from a few nights ago that was much darker and had better contrast. I've no doubt the Astrodon helped here


Image details:

Camera: Atik 383L+ Mono with Astrodon 5nm Ha

Scope: Borg 101EDII with 0.7x Reducer @ F4.4

Mount: EQ6 with EQMOD

Guiding: OAG with QHY5

Capture Software: CCD Commander, Maxim DL

Processing Software: Deep Sky Stacker, PixInsight

Exposures: 8 x 15 mins

Calibration: 50 x Bias, 25 x Darks, no flats


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Thanks everyone

are you going to add some colour?

I'm down to one filter now, I'm going to slowly build a full RGB & NB Astrodon set. I'm getting the 3nm OIII next but I'm trying to pace myself as they are really expensive :(

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The Astrodon 5nM H-alpha filter is the jewel in the crown - it's superb. I have the same filter and I can always guarantee an excellent series of subs with it. Your Pelican nebula is really good, packed with detail - although there are some 'eggy' stars towards the corners - nice work though.

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