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The Esquimo nebula; NGC2392


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Here's one for light polluted sky, a quiet planetary nebula in Gemini.

Go to Wasat, head to the left,nearly paralell to the arm of Pollux . At x48 you'll hit in a Newt three stars pointing like an arrow to a star with a fuzzy above it. At x100, it'll show the central glow and the surrounding halo. At x200 you'll find the halo expanded . We had grizzly skies this morning, but it was good to find the Esquimo again.


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Funny Nick,

just refound this a couple of night ago. It is very nice indeed. Tried an UHC and OIII and was dissapointed as, to my eyes at least, there was little improvement. The central star/glow was easily visible. Pretty. Will go back to this fella over the next few weeks. Nearby and soon to be topical, the Christmas Tree Nebula is a nice little treat too. First time I saw it, it was around Christmas, and all I could say was "ahhhh, this must be the one", clear as a bell as the C tree.


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Yep, bless the extra hour of observing . Cassiopeia's going to a good target, before Monoceros rolls up.

I was just scanning around Gemini, when I spotted the planetary nebula as a fuzzy, had to check in the PSA to confirm. There's another bi lobed pn. NGC2371-2 higher between Castor and Pollux.

If you sweep around Propus, there's a whole mass of objects. These lead down to Monoceros and the delights of the Cone and Rosette nebulae.

I try and get a list of a few targets, otherwise you tend to end up just doing the usual tour !


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I try and get a list of a few targets, otherwise you tend to end up just doing the usual tour !


Agree,must get better organised. recently, just end up hitting the more obvious. Although did have some success a few nights ago when I got up after the moon dropped and got a glimpse of a few galaxies in Ursa Major

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