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Not the ISS becuase when this was taken, ISS was not anywhere near my location.

Some kind of satellite? Alien spaceship? Dragonfly?

It only took 9 frames to cross the disc. I was recording at 15fps.


The clearest still from it:


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Whats amazing is this was completely unintentional. Luckily I was recording while adjusting the scope. All of a sudden I see something fly across the disc, that looked unual. Looked back and the trecording and sure enough, the ISS. Looked online at its location and interperuted it wrong. But sur eenough, this must be it.

Here's the individual frames colorzed:










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Very very well caught!!! :)

Calsky will give you very accurate data to the second for your coordinates, it will also give you all the other satellites as well so you can make a positive ID. It looks a strange shape for the ISS but I guess it does depend on it's angle. It looks very narrow in the centre to me, I thought it was quite rounded in the middle? Yours looks like there is no living quarters, this is very evident on the still image? Here is an image I took to compare shape ISS Transit 6th March 2011 15:45 UT


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. . . :p . . . I just ran through the likely time in Stellarium and then checked out the possible candidates in Google Images . . . these were the only ones I could find that would possibly give that silhouette .

If I get some heavyset square-jawed Ruskies on the doorstep soon I'll let you know . . . :p


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I can see the headline now 'Amateur astronomer discovers secret spy satellite' MoD refuses to comment as man is taken away to Guantanamo Bay'

Still a bit of outstanding silhoutte matching.

Cloud is clearing from the north, so off to see if I can get some Sun in.

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The time was roughly between 2050-2100 UTC: 2012-10-25

The Sun from my location was roughly 40alt, 205-210 azimuth.

So I'd be looking over the Pacific in south, southwest direction when the transit occured.

The Lotus S-1 imgae looks amost exact. From what I understand though, the Lotus Satelites are SSO, maybe 600-800km orbital height? Whereas the ISS is slightly closer at 330-410km. Given the angular diamter in my image, and assuming that the Lotus is at that orbital heighth, it would have to be huge. Longer than the ISS.

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