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Got about 450 for a new scope.

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that depends on what you want to do. Just visual or Astrophotography. Makes a difference.

Visual i have Skywatcher 200p on EQ5 mount wihich i am very pelased with.

For AP i have NEQ6 and Tak 106.

For AP you need to have fairly deep pockets :-( and i mean reallt deep LOL


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Any particular reason why you would like to stay away from Dobs? They provide the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to aperture and hence performance on DSOs. Obviously, they fall down if astrophotography is a goal, though your budget may well need to increase if it is.

Clear skies,

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If you have an aversion to dobs and want a complete set-up, then for that price I think velvet's suggestion of a 200p + EQ5 is a very good one. There's no doubt it's an incredibly competent set-up.

It would be good to know what your intentions are in terms of viewing targets are, and also whether or not this is to complement an existing scope too.

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Maybe all you need then is a new mount and tube rings to get your 200p as you'd like it.

An EQ5 is only £240, and for a little over £500 you could have it goto if you felt you wanted that.

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Maybe all you need then is a new mount and tube rings to get your 200p as you'd like it.

An EQ5 is only £240, and for a little over £500 you could have it goto if you felt you wanted that.

^^^This looks a very sensible suggestion to me.

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At that price, the obvious alternatives are a goto 5" Mak: nice and compact, great in planets, double stars but not really an all-rounder due to its narrow field of view, or a 4.5" refractor on an EQ mount.

When I was in your position I chose the Mak as I wanted a competent and portable set-up (and the Mak suits my current viewing habits), but am now looking to go manual with the mount and ditch goto (I enjoy hunting targets rather than inputting them!)

Having said that, if I didn't need to be portable and could set up in a garden with decent views of the sky then the 200p and EQ5 is a hard setup to beat. Unless of course you get a dob mount and gain a couple of inches apeture by doing so, but it seems you've exhausted this route already.

In summary, I'd agree with swamp thing!

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Ok guys. I am now skint no money left until my dob sells.

So just bought

SW Explorer 200p on a EQ5 Mount

SW 32 mm Eyepiece

Dual tracking motors

Polar scopes

Solar Filter (Always wanted some)

Oh and red LED torch ... Need to mod my Xbox live cam i bought a while back .......

Wife is going to kill me i think lol

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I thought it was only me that found dobs awkward, fortunately I'd had the opportunity to find out before deciding, polar alignment can be tricky but isn't too critical for visual, as Velvet says you need deep pockets for imaging DSOs. Webcam for lunar and planets is fine.

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