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Pulsars - can you say any?


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I am going to a talk on Pulsars tonight at Bristol Astronomy Society..

Do you know if you can see any with an amateur scope.

I guess not as the nearest one is 280 light years away and they are very dull objects..

I know the hubble can see the pulsar at the centre of the crab nebula and it is 6500 light years away.

Yours heopfully


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Yes it should say see any! Thanks for the reponses..

I am guessing then it is not possible to see any..even those less than 500 light years away.

The talk at BAS was amazing. I now know that pulsars glitch even though we do not quite know why!


Mark Stuart

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I'm not sure if anyone has claimed to see any pulsars visually - but the Crab Nebula pulsar is mag 16, so should be possible in a big dob (though i'm not sure if mag 16 is time integrated or the brightness of a pulse).

Anyway, electronically, a few amateurs have been able to record the pulsing of the Crab pulsar - a strobe technique and short exposures is used.

Robin Leadbeater managed to do this back in 2003 using fairly ordinary gear:


With some of the more sensitive and fast capture cameras available today, it might be more easily do-able.


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Thats interesting. Facinating technique using a strobe.. Thanks...The crab nebula is 6500 light years away and the pulsar is mag16..

There are pulsars 200-300 light years away so I was hoping one might be mag 14 or below....


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