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How do you support your dob in the car?


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Having upgraded from an 8" to a 12" dob, I was wondering how other owners of large dobs support them for transport in the car to observing sites?

I made a kind of V-block support for the 8" but I'm concerned that doing the same thing with the 12" might leave dents in the tube where the contact points are.

Any suggestions?


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Make a couple of support stands, similar to axle stands when working under your car. You could use two plywood formers shaped to the hemisphere of your tube. The formers would be used to make a saddle type construction, which would then be padded with foam rubber.

Of course you need two of these, one for each end of the tube. Elasticated straps hooked over each one would hold the scope securely in the saddles.

It represents a bit of work, but would not take long to make. And of course, this project is dependant on the size of your car.

Ron. ;)

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Maybe a little too complicated for the facilities that I have Ron but I've had an idea of making a long V-shaped cradle which would mean that the contact with the wood would be spread along the length of the tube so hopefully would not dent the metal. I will use your idea of straps across though too.

[Rethink: Then again, it would be pretty long and bulky so maybe 2 shorter ones with foam cushions]

Just wondering too: Has anyone fitted carry handles to the tube? It's a bulky thing to manhandle out of the garage and into the car without hitting anything in the process.

Thanks again,


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Woah!, I would have a rethink on the handles Paul, I don't know the weight of the OTA, but whatever it is, it is all going to be concentrated on the handle you fix to the tube, if you must carry it via a handle, then make a sling one that goes completely around the tube. You know, just as if you had tried to put it into a small holdall. Less likely to pull the skin out of shape I reckon.


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Hmmm yes good point Ron.

Dont suppose I can get tube rings to fit a 14.5" diameter ota and modify them....



You could have a word with Ray, of Ray's rings, who makes rings of all types to order.

I think he has a website, but if you do a search uner Ray's Rings, I am sure you will find him.


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Ok support cradle nearly done (just the straps to do)

It's pretty well ballanced as the center of the cradle is at the pivots and I think is long enough to distribute the weight. It's supported by foam on the underside too btw



There are rubber feet on the bottom to stop it sliding in the back of the car.


<wonders if he should patent his invention lol>

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Hi Paul,

Looks like you've doen a good job there mate........ :lol:

A quick question though, I have bought a BIG plastic case for my scope n stuff and need to make cushions for it. Do you know where I can get thick foam blocks / sheets?



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Hmm I have a few small bits of the 40mm thick stuff left but I doubt that theres enough for your needs.

I got it from work a while ago but havent seen it around lately. I'll have a look though.

Other than that

You could try this place but it might be pricey http://www.twfoam.co.uk/land2.php

Or this on ebay http://tinyurl.com/34a2te


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I have seen a sling carrier for a scope, that is a piece of plastic that goes round the scope to two handles, one at each end, and you just put it under the scope and carry it. I usually carry my scopes by the dovetail, and transport them on a sleeping bag or blanket laid down in the trunk (er, boot.)

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Just a thought here guys but my Skywatcher came enclosed in 6 blocks of polystyrene with cutouts for the tube to sit in,i use it to set my ota on in my shed,just wondered if you could do the same for your car/van, they are certainly a snug fit and would support your ota quite well.

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Thanks Ron - The OTA already has a dent at one of the pivots (done by the previous owner and gave me a price reduction for it :lol: )

Saturn5: Unfortunately I didn't buy it new so have none of the original shipping materials

I think my support for it should work well but carrying the thing is still an issue. Easy enough in the daylight but don't fancy stumbling over a rock in the dark lol


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Your quote

I was wondering how other owners of large dobs support them for transport in the car to observing sites?

You didnt mention carrying, you mentioned supporting for transport for observing!

You cut 2 pieces of polystyrene to shape of the bottom of the OTA and the place scope on top ( have one at each end)

And Voila you have a support for transport!

Darren :lol:

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Paul, you could put a couple of adjustable sling on the carrier you made. Then you could carry the whole thing on your back. Just like a back pack. Just have to make sure it is secure in it's cradle. With two hands free you can carry the box. :lol:

Ron. :D

Edit. Don't forget to carry it vertically, otherwise you won't get through any doorways :D

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