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White light Sun, 29th September


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I can't quite believe this is my first for a week. If I'd been willing to sit at the scope from dawn until dusk each day then I might have managed a few more this week through the rain and cloud, but work, children, that sort of stuff are for some unfathomable reason deemed more important...

Anyhow, got out today despite it being quite breezy and the gaps between the clouds were further apart so I managed a full 120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100 and stacked 58 (at the 98% quality level in Registax, which quite surprised me).


Also tried to get my son more interested in the Sun by imaging some sunspots with him using the ST102 (which is what he usually uses) and a webcam, but his attention span seems shorter than the Planck length, so I ended up finishing that off by myself :(


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Nice image James, you have captured some great detail. Though it does look a bit like an upside-down jaffa cake with mould spots!

Thank you, Chris. It must be a strange house you live in where jaffa cakes last long enough to go mouldy, mind :)


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I can't quite believe this is my first for a week. If I'd been willing to sit at the scope from dawn until dusk each day then I might have managed a few more this week through the rain and cloud, but work, children, that sort of stuff are for some unfathomable reason deemed more important...


I feel your pain James, I face the same dilemma on a regular basis. Just started getting my scope out this morning in what looks like it may be the only vaguely clear spot during the day and then family arrive for a visit. How inconsiderate!

That's a great image by the way.

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