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Butterfly Nebula IC1318


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I took this back in August over 3 nights, but had lots of problems processing it, so have not posted until now.

BIAS frames were causing horrible horizontal banding and the only way I could process it was by leaving out the Bias frames. Then I found that the flats had not worked properly, so I had to do a linear gradient mask to sort out the vignetting and remove the dust bunnies manually.

Finally fairly pleased with the resulting image:

25 x 10mins 400ISO on the hottest few days of the year

Modified Canon 450D, ED80, CLS filter on NEQ6 guided with PHD


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I find the camera temperature (EXIF T) rises to about 14C above ambient so if the sensor temperature could be cooled back down to ambient it would reduce the noise four-fold. I'm about to provide a small amount of cooling for my wide-field camera (in addition to the scope camera). I'm hoping I can get away with a much simpler arrangement than I used for the scope camera. Once I start that project and get experimenting I shall post a new thread in the "DIY Astronomer" forum with my findings.

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Thanks Olly, Gina, Michael, and Mark.

Just a thought, but your bias couldn't have become rotated could they?

I have never rotated Bias subs, only time I ever rotated light subs was after a meridian flip but then the camera would be up the other way so the Bias subs should still be the same. I will give this some thought though.but having said that I am increasingly having problems with horizontal banding, which is one of the reasons why I decided to shift to CCD imaging - that, and noise. I updated my Bias subs in June as the previous ones were a year old, and I even tried stacking the image with last years bias subs, these still produced horizontal banding but not so badly.


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