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Heart Nebula from Kelling Ha and DSLR and Combi


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My aim at Kelling was to spend 2 nights with the Atik383L and 2 nights with the DSLR:

a) To Compare results

B) Didn't want to spend the entire time using the Atik as it's new to me and didn't want to waste good skies dabbling.

c) If I got results with both to try to combine them.

Clouds conspired to allow me only 1 sub on the last night which was when I was using the Atik to capture the Heart Nebula, I did not realise what a huge object it was.

So here goes:

The Ha with the Atik is the sum total of 1 sub at 15mins - I am really amazed at what this camera can capture.

It has a reasonable amount of noise being only 1 sub and funnily enough I seemed to get a better result without calibration files, so this is light frame only.

images are as follows:

1. 1 x 900sec Atik383L Ha filter 7nm (cooled to -10 degres) ED80 on NEQ6 captured in Artemis

2. 27 x 5mins 800 ISO Modified Canon 450D (same kit as before captured in APT with dithering).

3. Both images aligned in Maxim, and combined in Photoshop CS3 to get a combi of HaRGB

Slight crop as I haven't quite worked out the rotational orientation of the 2 cameras yet.

Note: Note the Atik and DSLR images are flipped horizontally.




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