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EQ mount questions

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I was thinking of getting an EQ mount for my 10" dob, my question is, would this be easier to transport than its current mount? The second would be what EQ mount could handle my scope? It's the xt10g from orion, it's also solid tube, not truss.

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I'd have thought that an EQ mount that could handle a 10" OTA would be 1) very expensive 2) very heavy and 3) very bulky and 4) put the eyepiece in some 'interesting' positions unless you regularly turn the tube in the rings - this is possible.

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As Moonshane has indicated above, the equatorial type of mount is not easier to transport than a dobsonian style mount. There are many sizes of equatorial mount out there which increase in price with regards to its load capacity potential. Your scope isn't really heavy but the length of it would require in my opinion a minimum of a Skywatcher HEQ5 mount - which isn't cheap. Are you looking towards the equatorial route because you want the tracking capabilities?


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I did this exact same thing last year with my 250px, and my advice to you, if you are set on placing your Dob onto an EQ is to go straight in at the EQ6/NEQ6 mount. As for the position of the eyepiece, you can sort this out by placing the tube in upsidedown initially which helps for the majority of the positions that the scope is turned into.

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Having tried the same thing, I would suggest an EQ6 minimum. They break down into head and tripod, but even the head is very heavy, about 20kg IIRC. Then getting a 10" scope onto the mount is a challenge in itself, getting the dove tail lined up and the bolts tightened whilst holding the scope is risky!

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To carry the 10" dob on an equatorial mount you need an NEQ6 minimum - preferably something bigger like a Mesu mount or Paramount ME. The NEQ6 is just under a grand - the other two start around four grand.

The NEQ6 breaks down very nicely and won't occupy any where near the same volume of space as the dob mount. I've used it with a 10" ota and its great for visual - but needs a pretty calm night for imaging (ie no wind). My Volvo estate only just takes a 12" dob base - I wouldn't want to go any bigger :)

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I always take my scope away with me. My mount will be a fair bit smaller than the NEQ6 but the tripod legs will be a similar size and it all packs away after a fashion into my car (Ford Focus) with my luggage for a family of three. So an NEQ6 will be more movable than the Dob base. Mind you my scope doesn't take up anywhere near as much space as yours you lucky thing!

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I have to be honest i wouldn't even try imaging with it on and NEQ6, it's far too unstable, you'd need a losmandy dovetail at the very least to try and stablize it, but not even that will help. To image with somethong over 1000mm you need a mesu 200 and above.

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I agree Rob - the 150P/CG5 is highly portable in most any car and is a cracking combination - my first scope was a 150P and it went everywhere with me :)

Yeah even when I upgrade to something bigger I'll be keeping my current set up as my travel scope. Managed to find the ring nebula last night with it despite the light pollution around here so I'm happy :smiley:

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