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The best doubles to split


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Epsilon Lyra - the famous "double double" is well positioned. It's near Vega. Iota Cassiopeia is a great triple star. Delta Cygnus is a decent test as it's an unequal brightness pair. Pi Aquilla is a tight equal brightness pair. Much easier but still lovely to view is Albeiro in Cygnus with it's strongly contrasting colours, Mizar in Ursa Major is always worth a look as is spotting the 9th magnitude companion of Polaris.

Thats a few to start with - there are many, many more of course !

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Funnily enough, I never had much time for double splitting until recently. I have recently put a setting circle on my Dob to use with an inclinometer. Anyway, the other night I was aligning it using Polaris, and I spotted the Polaris double. Shows how sad I was, I had to go and check my astro books to convince myself I wasnt imagining it. Its a challenge at ~50x in the Dob, but a beautiful sight at ~ x100. I am now somewhat hooked after finding yet more interesting observational challenges. Alcor and Myzar are on my list, but at the moment my neighbours roof is thwarting the came with the Dob. The double double in Lyra sounds good though as I can still see Vega overhead! I will let you know how I get on in my quest.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good website for the doubles, thanks for the link.

Enjoy splitting double, but I tend to spend a lot of time at each one rather than just see it and move on.

Plenty of time to observe, the stars may change positions, but they will always be there.

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