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Cardiff Astronomical Society - Any Members?


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Hi All,

just wondering if there were any active members of the CAS in the forum?

I joined them the other week as their dark sites are close to home for me, and the lectures look interesting. I popped up to their observatory on Saturday for a quick look around which looks like they've put a tonne of work into.

Looking forward to a few observing sessions now.


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Have you been to any of the observing sessions/lectures?

not been to any obs sessions yet, but we've been to a handful of lectures. as usual, i get clashes with other commitments so things end up getting prioritised. i'm mainly interested in imaging and try to get to the lectures that are geared towards that.

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Have been for a quite a few years now though don't get to lectures as often as i used to. i might rejoin this year still undecided though at present

I project managed the build of the observatory and yes it was tonnes of work and took a few years from first concept to the opening it still has a few bits and bobs to complete i believe but i had to stand down a year ago someone else is running it now.

I also held their post of Director of observation for a few years, which i enjoyed immensely.

i am more into photography now and have stepped back from astronomy a lot this year.

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Up until recently, I had no idea that CAS existed. I was pleased as all their obs sites are reasonable distance for me. I've only just started back to astronomy from when I was younger so I was delighted when I found CAS. It'll be good to be around folk with more knowledge as the whole Deep Space bit is new to me. My old equipment was better suited to lunar and planetary obs.

I know what everyone means when they say about other commitments, but I'll be trying hard to make it to events :smiley:

Grahame, I'm going int he opposite direction - that is photography to astronomy, possibly try to marry the two - but I think I'll try walking before running if you know what I mean :smiley:

Thanks everyone :smiley:

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Guys to keep an eye out for at CAS are Marc Delaney, and Nick hart Dave Lewis and Justyn (Reddoss on SGL) all are really proficient on astrophotography and approachable.

at the same time dont overlook Bridgend astro soc they meet out at Parc slip for their meetings talks but observe elsewhere.

PS: i work in bridgend

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As with others I am a member too and have helped out as a 'meeter and greeter' at an event, my first contact was with Graham who was very helpful; the Society seems to retain a membership of around 3-400 although you won't see that many at any meet! Lectures are well supported though they varied and often entertaining, and draw speakers fron a wide sectrum; have to admit that I do pick and choose

It is a very friendly society but for me the Observatory which really is quite something is bit too far away.

Astronomy often draws the attention of those amongst us who have an interest in photograohy, mine has been lifelong although lately its contained within the 'compact camera area'

Optic, cameras, astronomy and now for me shooting, a very different application of lens knowledge!

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I intend on getting to some of the lectures, and my son - who's 11 - wants to come as well, how long do they usually go on for, as I don't want him to have an attention issue :smiley:

I'm lucky in the fact that the observatory is only 15mins down the road from me, so hopefully I will get a chance to see what it has to offer. Also the ob sites are good for me too, so hopefully I'll be able to increase their number by 1 :smiley:

My Grandfather was a lecturer in photography, and used to say it wasn't the camera that made a good photograph, but the eye that spots it :smiley: which is probably one of the truest photographical statments.

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lectures are typically 7-30 --> 9pm including other announcements.

i'd completely agree with "the eye that spots it" statement.....until you get to astro photography.

i've found with astrophot, it's mostly about the equipment as you need to capture the photons to begin with, and the photons you're trying to capture, you can't necessarily see with the old eyeball mk1. :laugh:

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Guys to keep an eye out for at CAS are Marc Delaney, and Nick hart Dave Lewis and Justyn (Reddoss on SGL) all are really proficient on astrophotography and approachable.

at the same time dont overlook Bridgend astro soc they meet out at Parc slip for their meetings talks but observe elsewhere.

PS: i work in bridgend

I tried contacting the bridgend group a while back to find out how to link up with them, never got a reply though.

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I too am a member of CAS, great group of people, there is a meet in Castle Heights GC this saturday night at 10.30pm if anyone is interested. I also got involved after a chat with Grahame and a huge scope at a Caged Monkeys event with Prof Brian Cox in Cardiff. I should say a thanks to Grahame as it inspired me to take a more active interest in Astronomy :)

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Glad to know my efforts and help did inspire you. Ah you mean this scope at this event Theresa has her back to us and another interested party has her attention .. she was looking after my scope whilst I took some photos. if i remember correctly it was pointing at a star on a poster???? the other side of the lobby


IMG_6977 by gjb.carter, on Flickr

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  • 4 weeks later...

So far being fairly new to all this I've quite enjoyed the informal gatherings of the S Wales group and as I've got to know more and more members the occasional foray out with members outside the main group meets. I would though definitely be interested in attending some of the lectures given to expand my knowledge - just wonder what the observing meets would be like at the sites used. As I understand one site is Dffryn Gardens which is right on the outskirts of Cardiff and the other Castle Heights is just the other side of Caerphilly Mountain. My Brother lives about a mile from the golf course and the skies there are glowing on some nights - I'd be interested to hear whether the Society uses other observing sites and if not what are peoples experience of the two venues?

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For those who are considering joining CAS, their lectures start this week with a meet at CAS in Cardiff at 7.30 with a lecture by Dr Peter Cadogan, Cotswold Astronomical Society.

The subject being Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - The Moon Close Up.

Should be good, I will be there, anyone need help or want to meet up please pm me

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Both Dyffryn gardens and castle heights can offer good sky conditions i have observed from both and have had good and bad days at both sites but when the sky is clear the site are really good, Yep they are night when the sky glows form castle heights but that the light reflecting back form the cloudss when its clear it clear. i have seen most of the messier object from there over the years and imaged quite a few. It also has a micro climate of its own the number of times i have been there and seen cloud over caerphilly cardiff and pontypridd the sky over the car park is clear as remained clear. you have to witness it for yourself to understand. there are NO street lights visible unless the drinks machine is left on. castle heights is open for anyone to drive in

at Dyffryn gardens condition can be really dark as once again street light are in the distance and only 4 of tehm if the team get it right (and by team i mean the staff at the gardens) and switch off the local lights as they are requested to do (don't always happen though) you will need torches it IS that dark. the gardens gate are locked after the session starts and therefore no passing traffic unless it one of the party. yes the lights of the city light up the clouds when they are there when they are not there is Not a better site south of Brecon Beacons unless you know of better CAS spent two years attempting to find local sights that offer observers access safety and most of all good skies. get involved a i know they are looking for people to use the observatory.

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Thanks Grahame appreciate the input - You are probably right with the sky glow in Caerphilly its only something I've only really noticed since I've got into astronomy in the last year. Initially I did think my local observing site could be on the Machen Mile just outside Newport - public access very open Vista but the morning haze when I go to work again put me off and amplified the glow again no doubt.

Out of interest - when you say the the Car Park at Castle Heights is open for anyone to drive in - do you mean its open to everyone on agreed observing nights- or open in general in the evenings? Just sussing out as many local sites as possible although the ones I use most often are the groups main viewing site at Blaenavon, another 10 minutes outside Sennybridge in Brecon and potentially this year back on top of Mynydd Epynt.

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there are no gate to stop anyone and we have observed there many time previously not under the CAS umbrella but they course went into receivership a year ago so not sure if the receivers are around at night to stop any one going there though. I believe CAS are moving all session to the observatory until agreements can be made with new owners.

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