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Sterling Plossl's


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I've got the 25mm and whilst it's not seen much use since I got it (away damned clouds) I can say that for the price it is excellent - the stars are nicely resolved and the view is clear with comparatively little in the way of 'dodgy edges' for the price.

Have a look here: http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Board/Eyepieces/Number/4891373/page/54/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/fpart/1 and I notice the ebay listing links to a CN review.

With free P&P it looks like a good deal to me.

By the way - my opinion is based on use in an f10 frac.

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I've had mixed luck with Customs from the US - if you get caught it would be about £13-14 with Royal Mail's handling charge.

Works out about same as an npl with delivery then. Still a bargain if they're as good as reported...

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Look forward to reading it, I've been interested in these EPs :).

Sorry I would do but I don't feel qualified to do so beyond what I stated earlier (especially as I have had very little 'scope time' with it and that was at f10 so very forgiving of EPs).

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Sorry I would do but I don't feel qualified to do so beyond what I stated earlier (especially as I have had very little 'scope time' with it and that was at f10 so very forgiving of EPs).

You don't need to apologise :). I feel anyone is qualified, I've only had two months with my scope (nearly 3), and feel a little qualified to at least compare EPs, but at F/5 these differences may be much easier to spot.

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I bought it off ABS so my experience isn't useful to you.

Based on my experiences in another hobby USPS standard international is about 2 weeks - assuming Royal Mail doesn't hold it for Customs charges.

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Well, I got the ' It's been sent ' email early hours Monday morning, so hopefully won't be longer than a week or so.

Incidently, my Bob's knobs only took 3 days to arrive from uncle Sam, but that was a much smaller package.

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Well, I got the ' It's been sent ' email early hours Monday morning, so hopefully won't be longer than a week or so.

Incidently, my Bob's knobs only took 3 days to arrive from uncle Sam, but that was a much smaller package.

Wow - mine were only pens but they did take a long time - and it wasn't the sender.

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When I ordered my 12.5mm sterling plossl it only took only 4 days to arrive!!! I guess I'm just lucky. Haven't had a chance to use it yet, so can't comment on it's performance but I do like the 25 and 17 in my c90. I might have to compare it to my 12.5 BGO when I get the chance, but too busy with work at the moment.


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