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Time Lapse editing

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Hey all, I recently did a time lapse of the milky way. I used a canon t3 with the 18-55mm kit lens at 18mm f/3.5.. I know alot of people shoot in RAW format for this kind of thing but I did mine in large jpeg.. Is there any method I can use to make the milky way pop out more or should I have used RAW? I tried messing with curves in photoshop but I really couldnt come up with anything I liked.. Also, what kind of lens do you guys use for this sort of shooting? I have seen some peoples that look super sharp I just cant seem to achieve that with my camera and I was out in the middle of nowhere.. Here is the video.. Any tips or suggestions are appreciated!!

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That is really nice work. I'm not a DSLR man but I think you will get better detail using RAW as JPEG will have some loss of detail as it is compressed.

Thank you! Do you know of any programs that will convert raw to a tif or jpeg easily? I have shot raw through my telescope with it but it takes forever opening each file and converting to tif or jpeg... I have been doing it in photoshop but it takes a long time

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The software that comes with the Canon cameras can convert all your raw images into either tiff or jpeg for you in one go.

If you run the Digital Photo Professional program then use the Batch Process button at the top right, it will let you convert all the raw images in a folder into tiff's or jpeg's in one go. It will take a while though if you have a slow PC/HDD.

If the option isn't there then just download and update your Canon software from HERE.

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In Digital PhotoProfessional open the folder containing the files you want to convert , at the top click on "select all" and then " batch process" (top right)

Click on" browse" at the top of the box and make a new folder for the converted files , name it ----tiff or whatever you choose , enter/ok it then click "execute" at the bottom of the box.

DPP will then convert the whole folder.

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The software that comes with the Canon cameras can convert all your raw images into either tiff or jpeg for you in one go.

If you run the Digital Photo Professional program then use the Batch Process button at the top right, it will let you convert all the raw images in a folder into tiff's or jpeg's in one go. It will take a while though if you have a slow PC/HDD.

If the option isn't there then just download and update your Canon software from HERE.

In Digital PhotoProfessional open the folder containing the files you want to convert , at the top click on "select all" and then " batch process" (top right)

Click on" browse" at the top of the box and make a new folder for the converted files , name it ----tiff or whatever you choose , enter/ok it then click "execute" at the bottom of the box.

DPP will then convert the whole folder.

Thanks alot guys! I had no idea I could use this program to do this! i will be shooting in raw more often now.. :)

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I'll be up front and tell you I know nothing about Canon software !

But. If the first thing you want to do once you've downloaded your sub frames is convert to Jpeg then why bother collecting Raws ?

I've used Adobe Lightroom to play with Raw subs and there is a batch processor in there. You can process one sub and get it looking how you want to. Tell it to do the same with them all and then convert to Jpeg if you must or use a software routine to make your video from the Raws.

I may be missing the point though.


Forgot to say..... I like your video. Nice :)

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I'll be up front and tell you I know nothing about Canon software !

But. If the first thing you want to do once you've downloaded your sub frames is convert to Jpeg then why bother collecting Raws ?

I've used Adobe Lightroom to play with Raw subs and there is a batch processor in there. You can process one sub and get it looking how you want to. Tell it to do the same with them all and then convert to Jpeg if you must or use a software routine to make your video from the Raws.

I may be missing the point though.


Forgot to say..... I like your video. Nice :)

Yeah, I should have been more clear about what I was asking. What I normally do when I shoot in raw is convert the pictures to TIF not jpeg.. Even when I do that straight away and don't do any editing in raw format I still seem to get much more faint detail out of the pictures when they are stacked in TIF format instead of large jpeg. I use deep sky stacker and I am pretty sure the pics have to be in tif or jpeg for that program.. It could just be my imagination though lol

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Hi Would,

Now you've got me really confused. I'm reasonably ok with DSS but don't know of any way to make a video with it.

Are you in fact asking about time lapse or stacking ?

If it's about stacking then DSS will use Raws. Just make sure you use the latest version - 3.3.3 beta 47. No conversions are required.


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Wow I didn't know it would take raw! I could have swore I tried to before and it wouldnt take my CR2 files. I just tried it and it worked fine haha thanks! I am using a meade LS - 6 and taking 30 second exposures at a maximum before I start to get a little trailing in the pictures so I end up stacking 100 and still not getting anything that brilliant.. I dont understand a lot of things about the editing process yet.

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Hi Would,

Now you've got me really confused. I'm reasonably ok with DSS but don't know of any way to make a video with it.

Are you in fact asking about time lapse or stacking ?

If it's about stacking then DSS will use Raws. Just make sure you use the latest version - 3.3.3 beta 47. No conversions are required.


Should I just keep all the images in raw format throughout the entire editing process then switch to tiff at the very end if I want to send the picture to someone or something? I find it very hard to bring faint objects out like cloudyness in the eagle nebula for example.. I can bring the purple out and the pillars of creation but it looks clipped pretty bad.

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