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NGC7635 - Bubble nebula - in Ha


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Following on with my sudden love of hubble palette images, I decided to have a go at NGC7635. I did this last year with my DSLR and can report an improvement so far! Here's the first lot of Ha data in this work in progress.



T: Pentax 75SDHF

C: Atik 314L+ with Baader 7nm Ha filter

14 x 1800s (7 hours in total)

I will be looking at adding at least the same again in OIII and SII.


bubble_ha_forum by swag72, on Flickr

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Thanks guys - I went back and looked at the originl stack with just a screen stretch to see if my processing had caused that second outer bubble, but it's there. I did wonder if I'd processed it in and just overprocessed the whole lot.

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This looks superb Sara... I too will look forward to seeing how this comes out of your Hubble palette factory...!

(The depth of this Ha would also make a GREAT base for an RGB image though... :smiley:)

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There's a certain snap to this that shows your guiding is up with the best. The Pentax is good and you're getting the best out of it.

I'll be looking out for the Hubble version,


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Thank you very much for your comments. This little Pentax is working very well, but unfortunately there was a glitch in the hubble palette production line last night - So maybe tonight?!!! I am pleased that I am able to get 30 minute subs without any issues and it's guiding and working well enough to not drop any subs in a nights run.

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