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One for all you Star Wars Fans:


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Being a sad geek (and a Luke Skywalker original replica lightsaber owner!) I noticed that the saber being hurled into orbit is not the 30 year old version, but in fact the green bladed saber from ROTJ (1983).........Lucas and Nasa.....bunch of conmen if you ask me. :D:wink:

JV....who was there at the begining and will never forgive George for the (first) last three films, especially JAR JAR!.

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Being a sad geek (and a Luke Skywalker original replica lightsaber owner!) I noticed that the saber being hurled into orbit is not the 30 year old version, but in fact the green bladed saber from ROTJ (1983).........Lucas and Nasa.....bunch of conmen if you ask me. :D:wink:

JV....who was there at the begining and will never forgive George for the (first) last three films, especially JAR JAR!.

Are you Simon Pegg in disguise? :lol:

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Funny you should say that, but I bumped into Jessica Stevenson about a fortnight ago in town. She was doing a show at the local theatre, and I don't think many people recognised her.....the conversation went as follows......

JV-"Are you Je.......?"

JS-"Yes I am and you are my first stalker today!"

JV-"Err.......very nice to meet you."

JS-"You too..."

At which point I didn't know what to say cos I always fancied her a bit, so I did the cocking of the invisible shotgun and she pulled a pin out of an invisible grenade......we giggled and then I went to B&Q.

What a fun life I have.


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