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Well at last the Dome is finished and working nice now ,Ian from Pulsar optical came here yesterday and fixed my final problem, been a long drawn out affair has this and put any serious imaging back months for me , but i do thank Ian , who has been sacked , from Pulsar Optical , as Gary Palmer has sold his scope business to sky and scopes, this left Ian with out a job ,so a big thank you to Ian , who came here not working for Gary any more to finalish my Dome .

The Dome has now had the Pier fixed and filled with sand , damp course to the floor and a carpet fitted . EQ6 now in place and polar aligned,

The set up at the moment will be the Celestron C11, with the ED80 piggy backed, Bern has told me that the ED80 can guide the C11 and like wise the C11 can guide the ED80 , both scopes will have elec focussing.

The operation will be fully remote controlled from my warm Observatory, as you can appreciate, this still is going to take a bit longer to finalish.

Also why i say my final fling, i have ordered the latest whiz CCD one shot colour from Bern, this is an amazing work of art, and what i have seen so far , is very encouraging, i think Steve L has nipped in before me lol and has one . so shall look foward to Steves first images.

Any way thats about it for now , a pic of the dome is enclosed, time to raid the piggy bank now , THE WIFE IS NOT IMPRESSED.




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Looking very good indeed Rog. Looking at the threaded rod supporting the levelling plate, it may be an optical illusion, but they look about 6mm to me. How far out am I?.

Is the little guy at the door just holding it open, or is he your sky sensor? :D

Ron. :)

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The QHY8 is a great camera, but first ight will have to wait untilI can get used to the new imaging processes, debayering, focusing, working out exposure times, etc. I also need to get a Ha filter... "WHAT?" you say... "A one shot color doing Ha? Are you Mad?"... ;-)


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lol naa i understand that Steve , i can use the 16hr for ha , just want that other one for wider images , where the colour does make a difference, but like you have to wait even if it comes soon still have a mega amount of work to sort yet, but when i,m done , its arm chair imagin g ehheheheheh .


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Nice Observatory Rog.

I sent them an email asking if one would go in the back of a "Peugeot Partner" as i was coming over to the UK soon.

I thought the Dome was smaller pieces bolted together.

No wonder they didn't bother to reply(they must think I'm NUTS) well maybe a little :D

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Hi jeff, u want get no reply back as scope and skies now take orders and i have left 3 messages and no replies , but i have a number for you mate , it goes to gary palmer who is still making the Domes, its 01707 246 530 , he lives in spain , but you only pay at local rate its been sorted that way.

As for a partner , Hmm the roof is in 3 sections an the bottom is as well , it could i guess just about fit in.


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Ole what i don't believe it!!! i live in Spain as well.

I've sourced one now from this link in Barcelona


Well i think i have, his English is about as good as my Spanish, its holidays in Spain from the end of July until 3 Sept so nothing moves but supposed to be delivered sometime in September (don't hold your breath).

If all is not working i will give him a tinkle.

Cheers Rog and thanks for the PM, reply here :D


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Who's a 'happy bunny' now then? :)

Its is true you see, "everything comes to those who wait", and "patience is a virtue" :D

Gary Palmer has sold his scope business to sky and scopes

Oh dear, ah well, all good things come to an end, unfortunately :(

the ED80 can guide the C11 and like wise the C11 can guide the ED80

It most certainly can!!

The operation will be fully remote controlled from my warm Observatory

Welcome to the world of relaxed and comfortable (lazy!!) imaging. :(

time to raid the piggy bank now

Yep, been there and done that (several times), and got all of the 'T' shirts!! :(

What else can I say Rog, one very smart and professional looking set-up, and one owner who is just 'itching' to use it.

Perfect timing too, just as the nights are starting to 'draw in'.


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Well done Roger, delighted the saga is now over and congratulations on the new CCD. I am really interested to know how you get on with this as the camera appears to be essentially the same as the M25C from Starlight Xpress but at a third of the price making it a very tempting choice for wide field imaging.

Gary Palmer has sold his scope business to sky and scopes

Ohhh dear ........ although I knew this was happening ( the two company's websites give it all away ) it is a shame, I always got on with Gary but moved my allegiance to Ian King some time ago.

Get posting some images with the new camera as soon as you can, Roger, you are the kind of 'guinea pig' that will tell me all I need to know!

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