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Binos for DSO locating


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Hi All!

Can I ask for any suggestions on some binos for DSO locating, please?

I’m looking for a cheap pair just for locating DSO’s to image with my 200P, not for viewing the moon or anything else in great detail. For that reason, they don’t have to be optically brilliant, just to do the job. Anything that is as cheap as chips would be a bonus!



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If you just want to locate them then 8x50's would be good, 15x70 will cause what you are looking at to bouce around if handheld, if you then get a tripod the cost goes up and you may as well look at a cheap low power spotting scope.

I use everyday 8x42's, they are very good. 8x50's would simply give a slightly brighter image.

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If you mean scanning the sky as a prelude to using the main scope, I use 10x42: nice and light, but sufficient light-gathering to identify fainter star-fields and sufficient magnification to give reasonable contrast in semi-rural skies. Anything much bigger (e.g 15x70), and you might as well be using your scope with a richest-field eyepiece.

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I find that I can gain a steady image, at least for a short period when hand holding my 15x70's, if I lean against something and hold the binoculars close to the front or objective lens for better stability.

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Thanks for the input, folks!

I think given the descriptions that a smaller 10X50 will do just what I need to compliment my 200P. I've seen a some that are 20x50, but if the 10X50 will do the job I'll go with those.

Many thanks!


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