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Very brief first light for Lunt LS35THa B400

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Just had a chance to look at the sun as it was setting behind nearby houses (on the day of the scopes' arrival, no less :) ). I put the scope on a photo tripod, and inserted my Radian 10mm. The TV Sol-searcher quickly got me my first peek at the sun in H-alpha with my own scope. I was surprised that even with the helical focuser fully extended I had to lift the Radian up a bit and tighten the screw holding it to reach focus. Bodes well for webcam use. Once I had achieved focus, I could see a couple of sunspots with some fine detail, and a couple of prominences on the lefthand limb as seen through the scope. As the sun was now behind the houses I walked to the next street, where I had another chance, this time with the Nagler 12T4. As clouds parted I got a few very nice views, in particular after teaking the tuning wheel.

It was a bit of a struggle to keep my eye in the right position, but I should do better with the scope mounted on my EQ mount, so it tracks properly (and doesn't wobble as much as on the photo tripod)

I am feeling well chuffed.

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I have had that with all three of my current scopes. I collected my C8 from Amstelveen (15.8 years ago), drove to a friends house (to celebrate her birthday) and set up the scope in the garden and had some stunning views of M13, Jupiter, M57, M27, and a few other goodies. When my 80mm APM arrived, the skies where crystal clear that night. And now the little Lunt arrived under thick clouds, but I still get a good view of the sun.

Weird, or what?

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Sounds great Michael, sure you'll have plenty of fun with that :D

I keep hearing that summer is on the way so hopefully that means plenty of sunshine. I love my PST, gives a whole new dimension to observing and there is always something new to see.



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Congrats Michael :)

You sound as nuts as me when mine arrived. Got in from work - put it together then wondered round the estate looking for the best views of the setting sun lol. You'll need a peaked cap on a hot day and lots of sun block and a stool for most comfy viewing (the peaked cap will shade the eyepiece so you can look in it clearly). Welcome to club Lunt lol :)

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Congrats Michael :)

You sound as nuts as me when mine arrived. Got in from work - put it together then wondered round the estate looking for the best views of the setting sun lol. You'll need a peaked cap on a hot day and lots of sun block and a stool for most comfy viewing (the peaked cap will shade the eyepiece so you can look in it clearly). Welcome to club Lunt lol :)

Thanks. I have my trusty Tilley hat. I am lucky that I do not burn readily.

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