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Clear Skies ?


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Fingers crossed it looks like the sky is going to be clearish tonight now the rain has stopped....

I might actually be able to get outside and see something other than rain clouds!!

Now just to think about what to target... Any suggestions?

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IF, and it's a big if, it is clear any time soon, I will be trying for some clusters I think. This time of year with the shorter, lighter nights, clusters seem to offer the better views, M3, M10, M12 and M13 are all viewable from my garden, so may give them a go. And Saturn is still around of course, always worth a look.

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I'd be going for absolutely bleedin' anything! :lol:

I'd actually probably go to my old haunts, M3 and M13 are always spectacular and i have found M57 (Ring nebula) to be very reliable too. But M3 and M13 should be the easier ones :)

I haven't had much luck with M10 and M12, something always seems to get in the way :icon_razz:

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What are these mythical "clear skies" of which you speak? As everyone knows, the sky is grey by day and orange by night! Enough of this heresy about "clusters" and "nebulas"!

More seriously, I'd take even a 2 minute glimpse of Albireo or a peek at Saturn. Heck, I'd even take a full moon - at least I could go crater hopping!

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It's an OK time of year for globular clusters, besides the obvious M13 there's M92 also in Hercules, and M10, 12, and 14 in Ophiuchus.

Of course, I opened a box containing clouds and a pair of Celestron 15x70s yesterday, so it'll probably be August before the next clear night.

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like yourself got excited about maybe a clear sky tonight, but no, it's clouding over already, damn put the scope away again, never mind autumns coming maybe better luck then, cant get worse. typical british summer, might invest in a solar filter and burn my eyes out, good luck all and clear! skies

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Something really annoying is that today I was in school, looking out the window. There were clouds but they were thinly spread and I could see the Moon. I though that when I got home I could do some solar observing.

As usual the clouds weren't going to allow that! School ended I looked up and saw nothing but grey! :(

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Well I did manage to get out last night.. Mind you I thought the clouds were going to spoil everything but they cleared around 23:00 and left me with some clear skies...

A quick 5 minutes spent looking at Saturn (and another 1/2 hour wasted trying to get the webcam focused with no luck)

Next.. well as a noob I got out my 'Turn Left at Orion' book and tried for M13... Failed :embarrassed:

Then I had a go for M57, Well it took a while to work out where I sould be pointing (why is it so easy on paper and so not easy on the scope) :huh:

Eventually I got there and was rewarded with my 2nd nebula... :grin: :grin:

Lost all track of time just looking at my eyepiece marveling at what I could see (and noting my polar allignment is not quite right)..

What a great way of staying up until 01:45 and not a beer passed my lips :evil:

Hope I get some clear skies tonight, If I do I will be going back for M13.......



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Well I've been waiting for weeks for a decent clear night now and I have checked the current forecast to find that it is forecasting the clearest night in absolutely ages on Monday night. Which is the day I go abroad on holiday for 2 weeks so I won't be here!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

The universe is having a right old giggle at my expense! ha ha

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