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DSLR camera for astrophotography


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I am currently a college student working with my professor over the summer and we are trying to get started on astrophotography. The problem is that we have been using an old Nikon D70 that has been causing us a lot of problems, so we need to buy new camera. What is the best DSLR camera for astrophotography and why?

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Canon cameras almost ubiquitous when comes to AP with DSLRs. RAW format, reasonable noise performance, easy long exposure setting, Live View, 3rd party hardware support (for example, Astronomiks clip-in filters), lots of software support (e.g. BackyardEOS and APT), and a wide base of experienced users doing AP with various Canon DSLRs.

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Canon all day long ,

The included software package is plenty to get you started , Eos Utility and DigitalPhotoProfessional , although I would recommend BYEOS for the Intervalometer side .

Nikon has similar software package for the entry level 3100 ...BUT THEY CHARGE £195.00 FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!!!

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The July Sky at Night magazine has a review of a new Canon EOS 60Da DSLR. It has been made with astronomy in mind. It has a replacement infrared-blocking filter which lets in up to x3 of the hydrogen-alpha light. Like the EOS 600D the flip out screen is able to be moved at various angles making viewing comfortable at odd angles. Maybe worth a look?

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  • 5 months later...

I'm currently looking at the 60Da as an upgrade from my 1100D, mainly because noise is becoming more and more noticable now that i'm getting more adventurous with my shooting.

Does anybody use the 60Da and know any reason not to buy it? Or can anyone suggest another Canon DSLR that may be suitable? Something that can handle noise well.

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The July Sky at Night magazine has a review of a new Canon EOS 60Da DSLR. It has been made with astronomy in mind. It has a replacement infrared-blocking filter which lets in up to x3 of the hydrogen-alpha light. Like the EOS 600D the flip out screen is able to be moved at various angles making viewing comfortable at odd angles. Maybe worth a look?

There's also a review in Astronomy magazine: http://www.astronomy.com/en/Equipment/Products-Reviews/2012/11/Canon%2060Da.aspx Not sure when or if this issue will be available in the UK
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It's still got a mirror (not wanted for AP) and therefore a pentamirror/prism and viewfinder(not wanted for AP). OK so the filters have been modified to give a decent red response - good.

As I see it, what we want for AP is all controls available through USB and viewing with live view and exposure. We don't want mirror or any other wiewing method on the camera. Though live view on an LCD screen could be useful for setting up.

It doesn't matter too much about extras not wanted but we don't want a reduced red response and we could do with some cooling. Also a monochromatic version would be very welcome.

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