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Why am i getting a double image when looking through lenses?

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Hi Knightdragon. Lots of folk here willing to help, but it would be good if you could describe more fully what you are seeing, and the equipment in use.

If you are not at precise focus, the image will be blurry.

Other reasons for blurred image -

Too high a magnification

Collimation off

Bad 'seeing' (turbulent atmosphere)

Can you describe the double image ? Pics would be good if poss.

Regards, Ed.

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If you cannot get an image just a blur why do you say a double image?

Sounds as if you cannot manage to get the scope focused, which could be not enough focus travel.

Can you get focus without the barlow?

Does the barlow need to go one particular way - as in is it upside down?

The barlow could be total junk.

If the scope is a newtonian does it need collimating.

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Without knowing the scope, its hard to tell but to me it sounds like a cooling issue (or lack of cooling).

Weird how you can not get a focused image of the Moon through a 25mm EP. Even without proper cooling (if thats the issue) the Moon should look fine.

Your EP's could be greasy and need cleaning but i doubt it.

Are you observing through double glazed windows by any chance?

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The Black Stuff (or stuff of any other colour) does not help either unless your goal is to observe doubles.

Quads after Guinness surely ...

What you said about double glazing makes sense!

---Co. founder of the Essex cloud dodgers social group (possibly? )---


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Quads after Guinness surely ...

What you said about double glazing makes sense!

---Co. founder of the Essex cloud dodgers social group (possibly? )---


I know the general opinion is not to observe through windows. I am in a wheelchair and sometimes i cant be bothered to go outside to observe so i do my observing through a large double glazed window at the back of my house (east facing). I have to admit that the only problem i encounter while observing through double glazed windows is planets. I get ghost images (3 images in one all different in the colour spectrum).

I have no trouble observing Nebulae,clusters,star fields etc in general through double glazing.

If observing through a window in winter, just make sure there is no heating radiator below the window. If there is.....................turn it off.

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