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Hey guys,

Just a quick question before i go to sleep. Assuming it is not cloudy tommorow is there a chance i will see jupiter before the sun will come out? If so can you please give me a rough idea at what time to set my alarm :) Thanks guys ! I live in the south-west if that helps!



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A must to download and it's free, latest ver 0.11.3

bang in your location and away to go (ish)

But I concur with moonshane, this time of year, it's up with the sun (no transit unfortunatly)

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Thanks to both of you! I have now downloaded it, really amazing program. I figured it was probably unlikely because its so close to the sun but im so desperate to see it for my first time :D:d patience....

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Thanks to both of you! I have now downloaded it, really amazing program. I figured it was probably unlikely because its so close to the sun but im so desperate to see it for my first time :D :D patience....

be patient, its worth waiting for

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Jupiter was the first thing I saw when I first started peering through a telescope earlier this year - Am really looking forward to its return. +1 for Stellarium .. once you start looking for other objects in the sky its massively useful to be able to print out a map of the stars around the object you are looking for and use it to star hop your way to it.

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i too am looking forwards to Jupiter making it's appearance. I've not seen it yet but have been mightilty impressed with Saturn, the Moon and some of teh easier Messier objects. I'm bursting to get out again but the weather is truly atrocious, not had a clear night for ages around here.

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Jupiter was the first planet I saw through a cheap 4" reflector November last year. The mount was hopeless & the eyepieces weren't much better either. But once we got it in the FOV we were able to pick out the cloud bands quite clearly. Fortunately I had my scope on order so within a couple of days I was able to see it better. Saturn too was very impressive as well as many other objects I've seen.

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