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My second moon shot


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GREAT images buddy!!!! i know what u mean by getting ya head around R6, and yes i sometimes think the original looks better then after stacking loool :(

here is a registax 6 guide to help you or others, it was very helpful when i started out a few months ago :)

ok quick registax tutorial:

first of we load up our pictures into registax.

now we are going to click the left panel tab at top that says "Set Alignpoints "

notice all them little red dots, those are the points we use to align the pictures.

now in same tab at bottom of the left panel click " Align by centre of Gravity"

below the align gravity is our shot selection counter, click "best frames" and select 90 beside it.

now back to the top of left panel click " align "

when align has done, click "limit "

now the Top panel tab changes to "stack"

just Click the small green "stack button" and watch the frames get stacked.

now do you notice the little tab at top left of panel saying " Wavelet " click this

wavelets adjust the image and make it pop out. notice the left panel has sliders numbered 1-6

these are our wavelet sliders and where the magic starts, it is upto the user to judge the effect you

want via the sliders, give number 6 a slide up and down, notice how the image changes ?

good now mess with sliders 1-3-4-5-6 first, then adjust slider 2 last, this tends to hold the noise back into slider 2.

Right panel is our adjustment panel gamma, red/green/blue ,brightness contrast and a few others.

adjust to your liking and see what happens when using them.

best way is when you think you have it nailed, back off the settings slightly.

now were done, we have a jazzy looking picture, top left panel look for "DO ALL " and click it.

this sets the wavelets to the image as a final run.

now beside the do all tab is "save image " click this and select where to save image to.

Jobs a goodun

hope this helps the budding astronomers and photographers in using registax,

and getting to grips with your data and learning to Align / stack and wavelet tweek your images.

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more info to help you/people out

what we tend to do is take a set amount.

so 30 shots @ 120s

3o shots @ 180s

30 shots at 220s

so in all 90 shots, we know we took batches of 30. so we run batches of 30 in the software side. you can use lower batch numbers, like 5,10,15,20. but i will use 30frames batched for this instance. it is upto the imager how they batch and run the images into software.

30@120s placed into software and run. we then save this batched image.

we do the same above for 180s and 220s. those 90 frames have now been stacked and we end up with 3 major frames. could be more depending on how many batches one choses to run.

now the good bit.

we put the three stacked frames back into the software and stack them to a final master image.

this final image is a batch of 90 frames all stacked at different exposure times and given the eyecandy with adjustments.

the last stack is the one where we go into the wavelets, and adjust the master frame (3 batched images stacked).

we run a few wavelets, get the picture to pop out with the adjustments. and then save.

the final saved image is your master frame. its the one you keep.

the others can be deleted and/or saved in case the master is destroyed or corrupted in any way.

as for close by.

saturn, jupiter, mars, and the main two, the sun and moon. ( the sun requires more though about the cam settings and needs special filtering)

using a mosaic( a big picture from lots of smaller pictures) you can take single images of the moons surface, and using software make a full mosaic of the moon at a higher resolution/mag.

mosacis are popular in both planetary imaging and also deep sky.

our downfall is the summer nights being so bright, we have problems gaining decent dark images. the sky has a kind of dull blue tinge to it, unlike in winter months.

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this is prob one of the best info i have, sent to me by my friend for R6 :) hope this helps out to anyone that needs it

Open registax :

click select and batch select your images

next click the set align points, notice those little round dots in red they are the computers alignment points it uses these to overlay each frame onto each other.

now in same panel on left click the " centre by gravity button"

below center gravity select best frames (%) make sure the one selected has the % beside it. pop 85-95 % its an ideal number.

click the align tab, wait for pc to run its stuff, then click the Limit tab.

now click the Stack tab at top, the left panel changes, DO NOT touch nothing just click the sub STACK tab.

that it images are stacked and aligned, you can save work or try to bring out more detail. so lets do that to.

click Wavelet tab at top.

new left panel opens. we are interested in two areas " DO ALL " / and the sliders numbered 1-6.

first off take slider 6 and move it half way, watch the image. did you see it change, become more defined like you added a sharpen tool.

if so thats all good it is what we want.

now move sliders 5-4 to just under half way

slider 3 to half way.

slider 1 to half way.

notice the difference, yeah sliders we got them to wonga dot.com, your image should have a crisp look ?

No you say.

so click slider 6 and adjust it say to 1/4 way .

and slider 1 adjust a 1/4 way .

slider 2 holds all the noise from all the frames, so go careful adjusting slider 2 move it no more than 1/4 .

now lets say the picture is nice you like the adjustment you made with the sliders, you fave button now is the DO ALL.

click the do all tab, and wait you may see registax shuttling all the adjustments you made to the whole frame (not the selected area ,

only a certain area on picture will show the slider adjustments made so you).

Now beside do all is save image, so tap this tab and set you to a folder/saved area on hdd.

most of the eyecandy comes from the sliders. it is not easy, but spend an hour messing with them and you will

nail them. like astro photography the more you practice the better and more easy it becomes.

some pictures batches will come out the dogs dangles, and some will just not play ball, leave ugly blobs after stacking and/or just will not accept wavelet

fiddling, hair pulling etc etc. the older the PC the longer registax will take so take your time, this is when you chill with a cuppa and dunks.

also when adjusting ask other family members what they think, show them the original single image, then show them your work in registax.

always good to have a few eyes gazing over work adding some helpful words, " that just ****" " means a tad more/less wavelets.

" omg that is wicked/cool/amazing" leave it alone do not go back and try making it better its already eyecandy.

practice practice and have other opinions browse you work and candy ideas. they tend to see what you cannot.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Papaplanets, sorry mate didn't even see this post :-(, i gotta say mate they are prettyh great shots should should be very happy with the finished result, got one on the wall yet ? :-)

How are you fairing with the camera now ?

Have you tried Jupiter yet ?

Keep me posted mate with a pm if you like & keep up the good work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Both great images

Hi Papaplanets, sorry mate didn't even see this post :-(, i gotta say mate they are prettyh great shots should should be very happy with the finished result, got one on the wall yet ? :-)

How are you fairing with the camera now ?

Have you tried Jupiter yet ?

Keep me posted mate with a pm if you like & keep up the good work.

Thanks very much :)

Due to a busy schedule, the *%"* !*&$^$& weather, Civilization 5 (damn that game) and the wife knocking over my CG5 and breaking it (repaired it today) I've not managed to do any stargazing for a couple of months. Still with the clocks gone back and my mount repaired I'm back in the game ;)

Not tried Jupiter yet, but on the list :)

I really wanna get some deep sky and widefield imaging done, so I'm very close to pushing the button on a 200mm or 300mm lens (or even a WO Zenithstar 70) and an Astrotrac. Oh and an Astronomik Clip Filter. Trying to decide what's the best way forward at the moment.

Then I'll start putting stuff on the wall :)

Thanks Todd & Symbiosis :)

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Yes the i have not known weather like this, cloudy for so long now it's getting predictable :-(, sorry to hear about the mount i hope the wife compensates you with a new EP maybe ?, i have found a couple of good lenses on FleaBay myself, i was looking for a 400mm - 600mm, found one someone had for £200 from an old 35mm film kit they had but i never won the bidding better luck next time eh.

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