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I only went and did it


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After a year of "should I shouldn't I", and after an unexpected budgetary approval, I finally went and ordered my 'scope.

After reading loads of stuff on here, and also some very welcome direct advice, coming to me around mid June will be a deliciously chunky Starwatcher Slyliner 300p FlexTube Goto :(

I may have been able to get it a bit sooner, after a great experience in OpticStar when I popped in for advice and look at one in the flesh, I decided I'm happy to wait a couple of weeks extra to give them my business, especially as I waited a year already :)

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Waiting a couple of weeks is nothing this time of the year. Light nights often mean you can't get out to see anything till the wee early hours of the morning anyway so make the best of your sleep while you can because once you get a look through the 300P there are going to be some long sleepless nights ahead :(

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Thanks everyone.

I realise it's not a great time of year to by a new scope (first scope I've had in nearly 20 years, too), but strike whilst the iron is hot etc...

I get up at 4:30 AM, so I'm actually thinking of getting a few early nights, and getting up at 2AMish for first light. In fact, that's probably how I'll do most of my observing: in bed for seven, up at 1AM! At least in summer time.

Hasn't really sunk in yet, though I'm sure it'll be all too real when the boxes turn up:D

Having forgotten in my excitement in the shop, I'm off to order a Cheshire!

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[quote name=dharma66;

Having forgotten in my excitement in the shop' date=' I'm off to order a Cheshire!

Good thinking :(

If you can find one a Telrad or Rigel finder would be a very worthwhile buy aswell.

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Congratulations on your new purchase and you certainly won't regret getting it. If by "budgetary approval" you mean by agreement of your other half, be very careful of that old trick, as you may come back to haunt you. Many of us are survivors of that one! :(:D:D


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Thanks for the kind words everyone. It's actually starting to sink in as a reality now, which means the waiting is becoming difficult.

Unfortunately, it will be arriving after the transit, but as Baader film is becoming the worlds scarcest resource, I guess it'll be less frustrating to have no scope, than to have a scope and no film!

Anyway, I've put in a request that in my next incarnation, I be born on Mauna Kea, so I'll pick it up next time round :(

Yes, by budgetary approval, I mean form the other half. I'm hoping I'm exempt from the 'Jimmy Choo' backlash, as this approval is coming on the back of my wife's new car!

In fact, my initial plan was to open the bidding at a grand, with a view to coming down to £88, and getting the 200p. However, instead of trying to push me down on price, the reaction was 'Are you really sure thats enough to get what you really want?' :(:hello2:

I figured that doubling the request for the 350 woud be pushing it a bit, and that the 350 is probably a bit of a handful to manage on my own, so I ventured for increasing to £1300 for the 300p!

The restriction is that anything else I want to spend has to funded from sales of old hobbies that have sat around for years taking up space.

So, my Ethos eyepieces are going to have to wait until I sell a clarinet, competition recurve bow, tabla, guitar, airbrush, a few dozen model kis, an small Borders worth of books, and a pile of computer kit.

For the first time in years I'm looking forwards to the short nights :)

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