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Skyhawk 1145P synscan

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with small aperture telescopes, you will only really see lunar and planets,what with light pollution and such, so the 90 skymax will show lunar and planets better than the 114 reflector, with your budget you would be much better waiting for a used 150 skyliner, or even better a 200 skyliner dob

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The EQ1 would not cope with a 150P, not even nearly I'm afraid. As suggested in your other thread on this, I think you should save for a 150P or 200P dobsonian which would be the lowest cost way to get a significant increase in performance over your 90mm mak.

Actually the cheapest option would be to buy a used 150P optical tube (there was one on UK Astro Buy & Sell for £75 very recently) and then build a simple dobsonian mount for it. You could be up and running with a 6" scope then for around £100.

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Ok guys thanks. My dreams are now smashed lol

I dont see that they are smashed, just on hold, to be honest this is a hard time of the year for viewing objects other than lunar/planets, as the sky does not get really dark, so save some pennies and keep a look out on uk astro buy and sell, or ebay, for a good used scope, ready for the autumn, in the mean time use the mak 90 for lunar

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Ok guys thanks. My dreams are now smashed lol

On the other hand, the mak 90 is a nice quality little scope. It will show some nice views while you gather resources for a larger scope. Your 8mm eyepiece gives 156x which is quite enough to see Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and even Mars (when it's closer to us) quite well and the Moon will look brilliant. There are then binary stars which your scope should be good at and a number of brighter deep sky objects to keep you busy for some time.

Do allow your mak time to cool down to get the best image quality from it - 30 minutes I would think, if it's come from inside a house. Until it's properly cooled, the images from a mak can be rather disappointing.

You do have a pretty capable scope - you just need to keep on using it :)

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On the other hand, the mak 90 is a nice quality little scope. It will show some nice views while you gather resources for a larger scope. Your 8mm eyepiece gives 156x which is quite enough to see Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and even Mars (when it's closer to us) quite well and the Moon will look brilliant. There are then binary stars which your scope should be good at and a number of brighter deep sky objects to keep you busy for some time.

Do allow your mak time to cool down to get the best image quality from it - 30 minutes I would think, if it's come from inside a house. Until it's properly cooled, the images from a mak can be rather disappointing.

You do have a pretty capable scope - you just need to keep on using it :)

yeah left it out for an hour before i went looking.

Thanks for all the help

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ok guys would this bad boy we worth it. Been looking else wear anf the Skywatcher 150p looks good but i cant afford it and the mount. I found this

bresser reflector pollux 6 150 1400 reflector Its just a wee bit over my budget

It looks like the same overpriced tat you see on ebay to me. If you want a good scope then from the information I found out recently when looking for a scope you are best off with decent brands like Skywatcher, Celestron, Helios, TAL and Meade. There are a couple of others but they are the usual suspects. Bresser are not a bad make but in this case they seem to have just rebadged a cheap scope, even the mount looks a little 'wrong'. Don't just look for bells and whistles because that's how a lot of the cheaper brand sellers lure you in, Seben being one of them.

This is my personal experience as I have just got back into this game after twenty years and wanted to be sure I wasn't ripped off.

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ok guys would this bad boy we worth it. Been looking else wear anf the Skywatcher 150p looks good but i cant afford it and the mount. I found this

bresser reflector pollux 6 150 1400 reflector Its just a wee bit over my budget

The Breser is probably the same as the Seben 150/1400 (search for Seben on the forum) which is also sold under various other names such as Event Horizon, Sylvan and Visionary Review here. Read the review carefully before deciding which telescope to buy (then save up for a Skywatcher).


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