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I know we need the rain but...


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I missed the last couple of clear nights around my neck of the woods due to demands from the management. So it's been weeks since I got the scope pointed at the sky... I appreciate we need the rain but it does get you down when you don't get to use your equipment (there's a joke in there somewhere). I'm getting a bit 'hurrumph-snort' around the house and keep looking longingly at the sky in some vane hope it will clear. ;)

Has anyone got any news on when the southeast will become clear again.... :)


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We feel your pain if that's any help. I think most of us have been going through many versions of cabin fever and as you mention, if by chance you have other commitments when there is the rare clear night - just takes you so near the edge!:):D

Clear skies soon.


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Ive given up worrying about/checking the weather. The night sky is not going to vanish. Its frustrating but what can we do about it?

I'm in a similar position too - with the small period of proper darkness in the early hours I can't get too excited about it.

I do need some time with the webcam to get something planetray to work with in Registax, so some clear skies would be nice, but I'm not desperate about it. Enjoy the summer and get excited about the Messier list etc again in the Autumn :)

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I don't think I've got the rig out now since January, and that last attempt was a waste of time, as I totally failed to manage to focus my camera lens (although I thought it was alright initially). Here's hoping, that when I do eventually manage to get it all setup again, I can actually remember how to :)

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And I guess when you go without for a little while (or a long while in this case :)) it makes it all the more exciting when you do finally get out again...

Just picture it...(enters dream world) you check the weather forecast in the morning - clear skies that night - you get home from work, crystal clear, sun sets, planets appear, then the brighter stars and then one by one the sky fills with them, and you're sat there waiting with cooled, perfectly aligned scope and mug of coffee at the ready under a blanket of stars! ;):)

(Returns to reality - sat at work with three hours left on the clock, the rain battering against the windows and the boss glaring at me because i've been gazing into the distance for the last 10 minutes! :D)

(Thinks: I'm running out of cloudy-night tasks, i've cleaned all my eye pieces, i've bought my new carry-case and re-shaped the foam inside, i've logged more hours on SGL than anyone would think possible. :) I've charged my power tank and camera batteries, i've trained my cat not to attack my 2x barlow (doesn't attack any of the other eye pieces, just that one ;)) and i'm an expert at photographing the fat pigeon that sits on my neighbours tv arial...need to think of something new to calm the cravings!!! :D )

I'd wish you all 'clear skies' but we know how that's been working out recently...:)

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We feel your pain if that's any help. I think most of us have been going through many versions of cabin fever and as you mention, if by chance you have other commitments when there is the rare clear night - just takes you so near the edge!;):D

Clear skies soon.


LOL at you strap line, that really is very good, cheered me up no end :)

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