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More Jupiter and moons


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Now I've had time to go through all the avi's from last night, I've updated the posted image. There is something puzzling me though. In this x5 version, Io appears to have taken a bite out of Jupiter. Anyone know what may have caused this effect? :?


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There is something puzzling me though. In this x5 version, Io appears to have taken a bite out of Jupiter. Anyone know what may have caused this effect? :?

You don't mean the shadow transit, do you? If you mean the subtle "notch" at limb of the planet, that's an artifact of the seeing and a coincidence.

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I'm afraid not Gaz. Mars won't appear in my small patch of sky until early in January next year. My next target is Neptune which will be available to me in late September/early October followed by Uranus in late October/early November. Of course, I may be lucky at the end of August, when we have a cottage in the Cottswolds booked for a week. I have permission to take the scope and if the views allow, maybe I'll get all three a bit earlier than planned. :(

I'm going to get my Toucam modded when funds allow and then the sky will, literally, be the limit! 8)

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