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They're getting cheaper then...


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Obviously the spc900s are great for lx mods but for planetary imaging, people seem to be finding the advantages of a newer USB 2.0 webcam such as MS lifecam for less lossy compression compared to the spc900nc's USB1.1 speed, and just as sensitive despite being a cmos sensor. Or am I missing something else?

Last second-hand DMK I saw for sale was over £250.

Looks like most astro imaging kit is getting more expensive in the shops, even for yesterday's technology like other Sony ccd sensors such as Atik 314L and sxv-h9 seem to have appreciated in value in the past 7 years. It seems the flooding of cmos sensors into the webcam market, and adoption of higher-noise Kodak mono ccds in place of Sony super HAD ccds (because Sony never made a large format mono ccd) is keeping the prices high because for the sensitivity and low noise they have been hard to beat ever since.

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I spent a few hours on Tuesday night swapping between the SPC900 and a Lifecam cinema imaging Mars an d Saturn with a view to comparing the results from the two in as similar conditions as possible.

I've not processed the data yet, but the Lifecam was a pig to use. There's no proper gain or gamma control and it was exceptionally difficult to get things balanced to get a decent image. I'll be genuinely surprised if the images match those from the SPC. Of course that doesn't mean the results will be the same in a larger scope (I was working with my 127 Mak), but that will have to wait for a while for me to test.

The trend does seem to be for manufacturers to try to reduce the complexity of webcams for the end user by automating many of the functions and the assumptions they make in the firmware don't seem to lend themselves to astroimaging. Issues such as sensor noise also seem to get little consideration when they're designing a commodity item designed to be knocked out for a few quid. Because of this I'm as yet unconvinced that future webcams will improve upon the SPC900 for planetary imaging, though I'd love to be wrong.


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The Meade LPI is a CMOS chip I think, but I've never owned one so can't comment on how good it is, but I am sure that will go for a high price on Fleabay anyway because of the bidding competition madness.

On the webcams MS Lifecam vs SPC900, I have seen some pages that suggest better results on planetary images once they've set it up. Interesting to note about the lack of gain contol, I didn't know that. I do love my SPC900 but the slow USB1.1 causes quite lossy compression at anything over 10fps.

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I know Gary Honis reckons the Lifecam Cinema could be better than the SPC900 for planetary imaging, but having tried it I can't help wondering if it really needs a larger scope to work well, just to get more light onto the sensor. Even the SPC is hard work with the little Mak at times so it would hardly be a surprise. I think he is using a 20" scope, which is not quite the same thing :hello2:


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This is a great thread. Any other webcams out there than those mentioned that are comparable to the Phillips?

What you you all own if you don't have a Phillips and what are your images like?


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