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Good Grief!


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After the first clear skies for what seems an eternity I set my scope up at 20:30h expecting to have an hour or so with the moon, what happens?

A bloomin' huge black cloud descends over Penzance :hello2:

Oh well:rolleyes:

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Yea I thought I'd see what I could get out of Venus, same happened.

On the plus side the Moon does look stunning through a set of 10 x 50 bins with the wisps of thin cloud moving across it.

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Beautifully clear here and I shall be outdoors shortly. My goal for tonight was to get some comparisons done of the SPC900 and Lifecam Cinema for planetary imaging and I was worried that on the first clear night for centuries the moon was going to wash them both out, but it looks like I might just have got away with it...


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